Just Be Kind

Mary Ann Writes
1 min readJan 9, 2023


Why is it so hard to be kind to each other?? Because kindness takes true strength. It’s a lot easier to be mean and cruel, especially behind screens these days and it’s so sad. You have to be a seriously unhappy person to go online and throw hate around at people.

Just Be Kind. You never know who is seriously hanging on their last thread and ready to break at any moment. We are in extremely hard times right now and being mean is NOT the answer! If you feel the need to be mean to people, you need serious therapy…that’s right! I said it!

People are losing their jobs, homes, families, way of life, and many other things…THIS IS THE TIME WE ALL NEED TO COME TOGETHER AND LOVE EACH OTHER!!!!! Even if you can’t give money or time, a simple kind word, a text, a phone call all go a really long way!!

Have a blessed day everyone!! Love yourself and your neighbor!!

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Mary Ann Writes

I write from my heart. I hope you can find something here that you can relate to or that makes you laugh.