Infatuation Scripts by Clayton Max: Review, Examples & Samples

Maryanne Green
7 min readApr 28, 2021


Do infatuation scripts by Clayton Max work? Here’s a complete honest review from a real user. I will also share examples and samples of the program as well as where you can download it obviously not free but at a big discounted price. Please make sure you read to the end.

What is infatuation scripts?

Infatuation scripts by relationships and counseling expert Clayton Max is a digital program whose goal is to help women with dating, avoid rejection, make men commit and make any man absolutely sure you’re the one for him.

The program is scientifically based and therefore works by specifically triggering the infatuation instinct in any man you talk to.

The goal is to make him obsessed and get him thinking about you and only you. He will be able to get rid of all other women from his mind completely and ultimately focus all his romantic feelings and sexual desires into you.

The science behind infatuation scripts

Clayton Max’s program is based on a scientific theory he calls “infatuation instinct”.

In layman’s terms, it is basically the words you use when talking to him and the gestures you show that will enable you to tap into his brain and convince him that you’re the one for him.

Certain chemicals in his brain will be released to compel him to love you without conditions, understand your strengths even more and forget whatever flaws in you that were in his mind before.

He will not have feelings of hesitation and doubts and his logical reasons to justify hesitation will be get rid of.

You become so important in his life that he can’t imagine living a life without you. Other women won’t matter to him because the triggered infatuation instinct will make it clear to him that you are head and shoulders above every other woman. You become like a life jacket that he has to hang on to for dear life.

Any girl would want her boyfriend or man to imagine she’s the only woman he can be with but unless you know what to do, that becomes just a dream. Infatuation scripts teaches you exactly how to make a man yours for life by simply triggering an instinct in him.

It doesn’t matter whether he has always been commitment-shy, he has never been in a fully committed relationship before or eyeing another woman. You can quickly make him realize you’re the best woman for him.

How? The program actually teaches you why most men push away their “perfect woman” and the exact scripts you should use to make him very sure and without an iota of doubt that you are the only woman that should be in his life forever.

About the author

Clayton Max is a psychologist, dating and relationships coach. He has been coaching men and women for more than 10 years in person or through his popular online programs like infatuation scripts which was born as a result of his encounters with women needing his dating and relationships advice.

Clayton claims to have helped thousands of women have better relationship with their husbands and boyfriends and i have personally come across hundreds of testimonials and endorsements of his programs.

In a world full of fake dating gurus, this man looks genuine and someone who knows what he teaches. If you have a man who doesn’t want to commit to you, i highly recommend you try his program. It costs just $49.95 which is nothing compared to what you stand to benefit.

What is inside the program?.

Here are the scripts you will learn in the program immediately you purchase it

Independence scripts: This is meant to wake up a man’s desire to ferociously pursue you by signaling you won’t be an easy catch.

Intrigue scrips: The aim of this is to have a man’s total and complete attention and arouse his curiosity about you. This ensures that he won’t be able to stop thinking about you even if he desires so.

Cliffhanger scripts: You can use these at the end of every conversation you have with you. The goal is to leave him in a state of dissatisfaction and give him a feeling that he must see you again.

Barrier scripts: So many women play hard to get but that might drive him away if not done the correct way. You need to have a sort of a barrier but still express as much desire as you want.

Curveball scripts: This is intended to make you mysterious which in turn results in him becoming curious about you. It doesn’t matter if he previously thought that he had figured you out.

Shaping scripts: These scripts are intended to make him struggle to get you. He needs to put in the required effort to win your heart

Temptation scripts: These are the scripts which temp a man to pursue you.

Urgency scripts: These scripts make him feel like he needs to act quickly to get you before he loses you to another man. The fear of losing you will compel him to put you “under a lock” to ward off other potential suitors.

Interested but not sold scripts: These are the scripts that show the man that he has a chance of landing you but has to put in the required effort.

The above are some of the scripts you will find in Clayton Max’s infatuation scripts program. There are many more with detailed examples but i cannot write them all here. Get the program and you will be amazed for sure.

The four chapters:

For obvious reasons, we can’t make bare everything inside the program here but here’s an overview of what you can expect once you purchase it on the author’s official website.

The program is divided into four chapters. Each of the chapters delves into a different topic and lays bare the exact scripts that you can use on your man make him sure without any doubt that you are the right woman for him.

Chapter one: First, there’s an introduction on infatuation instincts, what triggers it and how to use it for maximum benefits..

Chapter two: In this chapter you will learn uncertainty and why it is really important when it comes to making a man commit to you. Some of the uncertainty.

Chapter 3: This chapter covers investment. It covers three different triggers which are: setting his expectations, shaping and reciprocity. You will get the exact triggers to deploy to lock him for yourself.

Chapter four: This chapter covers curiosity and why it is important in wining his heart. You will learn about the 3 curiosity triggers and the kind of scripts to deploy to make him yours. These hooks are: contrasting qualities, intrigue loops and teasers.

Does infatuation scripts really work?

You are spending hard earned money on the program and you are absolutely right to ask whether it really works or not. Some people might thing the program isn’t legit but scam but that is really not the case.

The author of the program is a well know psychologist and dating coach. He therefore wouldn’t come up with a program that doesn’t work. That would be a hit on his name and reputation that he has built for so many years.

The question is does it really work? Well, going by the testimonials i have seen online, the program has already worked for thousands of women. That said, there’s absolutely no guarantee that it will work for you. If you think it is best for you, give it a try and see it for yourself.

Real customer reviews:

The feedback from real users who purchased it is good. You can click this link and have a look at them.

I have also seen few not so great feedback. For one reason or another, they didn’t find value in the program. Could it be that they didn’t follow what they learned to the later? quiet possible.

Generally, going by the feedback and testimonials, Clayton Max’s program looks solid, genuine and helpful. There’s a good chance you might benefit from it. Just give a try and see the results for yourself.

The benefits of infatuation scripts:

As you might probably know by now, the main benefit of this program is that it helps you make any man you want to commit and make him yours for life for just a one time payment of $49.95

When you purchase it, you will automatically get after customer support. Your questions will be answered and they take the time to help you navigate each phase of the program.

There are step by step instructions that are quiet frankly easy to understand.

If that’s not enough, there is also 60 day money back guarantee. If you feel like the program hasn’t helped you, you can ask for a full refund.

You also instant access as well as free bonus once your payment is confirmed.

Infatuation scripts examples:

In as much as i wanted to share real examples of the scripts here, i can’t for obvious reasons. The author has spent a lot of time developing that program that he has it available for only $49.95 and sharing his work here is plain wrong.

I might also get sued if i share Clayton’s infatuation scripts samples and examples here. That’s a big risk i am not willing to take.

To support the author and get the program legally rather than pirating his work, please consider purchasing it from him. Here’s the link to the official checkout page.

I really hope this review helped. Good luck.

