The Smartphone Workforce

Mary Cabot
2 min readFeb 6, 2017


As of Dec 2016, there’s an estimated 207 millions smartphone users in the United States. That figure is estimated to surpass 222 millions by the end of 2017.

At JustWalkIn, we see this as an opportunity to mobilize the workforce and streamline the hiring and job hunting process. As often repeated, our motto is to re-invent the HELP WANTED sign. With our platform of web tools and mobile apps, we want to use this technology to empower applicants to get their foot in the door of potential employers. Much like the use of mobile mapping technologies to find common points of interests (restaurants, gas stations, etc.), now job seekers can find a job from the starting point of where they stand.

The job market is no longer words on a computer screen tucked away in cyberspace. It is a living breathing layer of our landscape.

Considering that our workforce represents approximately 50% the population, there would be 111 millions workers with mobile phones by the end of 2017. That figure is projected to increase aggressively.

The rules of first mover is no longer to be the first to send a resume in response to a job posting. It is to know exactly where the job is and getting in front of the employer. It is a system that rewards the pro-active and the assertive.

Just Walk In is a location based job market.

Gary Siu

