Creating A Growth Plan

Mary Guirovich
2 min readDec 31, 2021

Have you lacked focus? Scrambling to make progress in your goals?

I get it. Life happens and we’re pulled in so many directions that it’s hard to stay focused on what we really need in order to follow our joy. The best way to combat our busy lives and the next shiny object syndrome is through a Growth Plan.

An effective Growth Plan will not leave you asking questions about what may work for you, it’s built around what is necessary for you to grow and move forward to your goals.

Ready to build your own Growth Plan? Here’s a few tips to get started.

  1. Understand what skills you want to develop. To avoid burnout, I advise you to explore no more than two areas you want to develop in. Once you know what those are, give yourself at least twelve weeks to fully immerse yourself. If it’s more transformative than a habit, give yourself more time. The key is to give yourself the time and space to explore these skills, not getting overwhelmed and quitting!
  2. Develop your system. Now that you know what skills you’d like to further develop in your twelve weeks or year, depending on your time frame, shop for programs, books, or mentors to help refine those skills.
  3. Ways to enforce accountability. Creating milestones or having accountability partners will keep you focused on your plan. Having accountability partners can also help you see what’s not working within your plan so you can make adjustments as needed. Again, this is all about setting yourself up for success. Make this plan work for you!

Growth doesn’t happen overnight. It happens through repeated action. Your leadership skills will only improve with your dedication to your Growth Plan. I hope you can use this insight as you start to plan for 2022!



Mary Guirovich

Mary Guirovich is the CEO of My Promotion Plan a company that empowers women to go from passed over to promoted. And the author of “God’s Not Done with You.”