How Changing Your Perception Can Change Your Life!

Mary Guirovich
2 min readFeb 7, 2022
Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

In this life, few things are completely right or wrong. Instead, there are usually two different perspectives on one thing.

A few weeks back for Halloween, we took our son Trick or Treating and ran into a shining example of this. As he followed a group of kids up the driveway to one of our neighbor’s homes, he took one look at the woman dressed in a witch’s costume handing out candy, and ran straight back to us. He wasn’t interested in accepting any candy from her.

To my surprise, my son explained that the woman was a real witch. Why? For a few reasons, and none of those reasons were because it was Halloween! He said that she had a hat that wouldn’t come off, her hands that were waxy, and that he heard one of his classmates say his mom was a “real witch.” I’m not kidding when I say my son was adamant about this. Because of his experience at school and perception of what costumes look like, he was certain that she was a legit witch. A story I’m sure he’ll share for years to come.

When we take a second to look at the other perspective, I’m sure that woman was ecstatic with her epic costume and was probably having a great night! Two very different stories shaped by perception.



Mary Guirovich

Mary Guirovich is the CEO of My Promotion Plan a company that empowers women to go from passed over to promoted. And the author of “God’s Not Done with You.”