How To Overcome Signing Bonus Envy and Earn More

Mary Guirovich
2 min readDec 10, 2021

Recently I have been hearing a lot of people wanting retention bonuses because a lot of new employees have been receiving signing bonuses.

I believe there is a better way of approaching your career advancement and compensation advancement without asking for a retention bonus. Just because other people are coming into your organization and getting signing bonuses doesn’t mean your employer should be paying you a retention bonus. That’s why today’s heart-centered key is advocating for yourself!

First off, we have to understand every single company is different. It would be great if every employer wanted to pay retention bonuses, but rather than focusing yourself on a retention bonus, a one-time payment, why not focus on a pattern and a plan that helps you advocate and advance your career long-term!

The problem with focusing on the short-term goals, like retention bonuses, is we have our focus on the wrong area! When we focus on the dollar and cents of our work what we miss is the value in our work.

What is valuable is you!

You are valuable in your workplace!

When you pin your value against what somebody else is getting, you take away that personal value power. You never want to give that up! You never want to request more compensation because somebody else is making more. I do believe you should be getting paid…



Mary Guirovich

Mary Guirovich is the CEO of My Promotion Plan a company that empowers women to go from passed over to promoted. And the author of “God’s Not Done with You.”