What do you believe is possible for your career?

Mary Guirovich
3 min readApr 7, 2022

What do you believe is possible for your career and do you truly believe you’re ready to take the next step towards advancement? The one thing I learned along my journey from being passed over to promoted is that the very first step towards advancement is believing that it’s possible. A famous quote by Henry Ford says, “Whether we believe we can or we can’t, we’re right.” Essentially, whatever we believe, our thoughts, words, and actions will align with it.

In my book, God’s Not Done With You, I explain the 4-steps to creating greater belief in yourself. In today’s post, I’ll be sharing some of those pointers in hopes that you’ll be inspired to go from passed over to promoted yourself!

Step 1: Have a Desire. If you want to level-up in your career, the good news is you’re already halfway there! Desiring more for yourself is the first step in actually achieving it.

Step 2: Commit Before You’re Ready. As women, we have the tendency to wait until we know with absolute certainty that we’re ready for promotion before we ask for one. However, the people that are often promoted are not always the most qualified for the roles, they’re just the most…



Mary Guirovich

Mary Guirovich is the CEO of My Promotion Plan a company that empowers women to go from passed over to promoted. And the author of “God’s Not Done with You.”