Menopause and Dark Circles: Learn the correlation

Mary J Richard
4 min readDec 1, 2015



When it comes to issues like menopause, the very first symptoms, which come in our mind for a majority of women, are the heinous hot flashes, mood swings and night sweats. However, the issue of menopause can also take up to the toll over the skin especially the devoted portions around over your eyes leaving behind your skin that you have often looked tired and dull. Discover the way you have to conquer on these dark circles and find yourself refreshed by simply looking a number of simple changes for your lifestyle, makeup bag and skincare regimen. Now, let’s check the correlation between the menopause and dark circles in the following paragraphs:


Many Changes found in Menopause

With the declining hormone estrogen's production during the menopause simply boost up a wide range of changes in the body of a woman including the skin. Since the skin of woman is very much sensitive to estrogen's levels, which is a deficiency of the hormone that can lead to issues like thinning skin and hence the current delicate skin found under the eyes is seen very much susceptible. Unfortunately, as you find the skin becoming thinner, the veins moving beneath becoming very much visible, you end up adding a much of unwanted appearance over the shadowy dark circles. With the hormonal imbalance that can be blamed for the issues like puffiness inside the eyes you also see the strange potential of the skin of storing more amount of water close to your eyes.

Menopause Syndrome

For women the puffy eyes can bring in a couple of changes including the hormonal change that are seen during the pregnancy and thus bring in the menstruation. Some of the women are seen tending to retain fluids before having menstrual cycle that can be seen visible over the eyes. Some women are seen retaining these fluids before having the menstrual cycle that may be seen appearing around the eyes. All these conditions can simply lead to issues like swelling that is seen more prominent. With fluctuating hormone levels, the increasing, the body of a woman would carry the fluid over the skin that is found underneath their eyes. The hormone really has some deep effects over the body and thus makes them find under several changes. It is generally noticed that women having the several hormonal changes via their lifetime.

The other changes

You notice a number of hormonal changes taking place with menopause. The low levels of estrogen's simply send the body some move visible amount of changes that causes drier kind of skin, the receding gum line along with adding up sprouts of hair. Hence along with several cooler kind of thermostat, the menopause's that simply need a complete new beauty regiment. Just after one day older of the menopause and having several visual effects the face of the women is seen looking a year older. Your face is seen lined up with their eyes being ringed with a number of dark circles, dull and skin slack issues. As you find the hormone waning, the skin becomes very much dry and less supple. Also, the hair simply gets thinner over your head and thus your chin in popping up with the upper lip and neck loses tone.

Getting Rid of Dark Circles & Menopause

One can make a couple of changes pertaining to certain lifestyle changes, which include changing one’s diets, the schedule of sleep and keeping away from the sun can really help in giving liberty from the menopausal complexion. Besides the dark circles, the issues of sleeping and lazy eyes are the result of menopause, which comes along as a side effect to these issues. However, with making a couple of lifestyle changes in your life, you can get rid of the same. So, next time when you have the issue of dark circles, you know what to do.

