What would it be like to spend one day in 2084? #MaddyKeynote2019

Unlike the dystopian Netflix show Black Mirror, Maddyness offers a rather optimistic view of our future. Here are 5 ideas I would love to hold on to.
Uncertainty is what makes the future so exciting and frightening at the same time. We feel that things accelerate today and that more than ever, we need to cope with a change pace unseen before. Truth be told, every society’s transition era had this sense of “what will come next”, torn up between thrill and existential anguish and although the innovation speed increases, we actually are used now to processing a great deal of information and uncertainty.
Maddyness, the media of the startups in France, presented a vision of our world in 2084, trying to let optimism infuse the minds of the participants of this futuristic 2019 Maddy Keynote journey.
As it appears, in 2084, there will be a government of the world, Europe being one of its region, mars will be a new colonized land for the humans, babies will be augmented (Genetically Augmented Procreation), education will be provided on screens and university will become a mere memory, humans will leave way to robots for the famous ascent of Cannes’ staircase…But what I found most interesting during this trip, was the trends framing our near future.
1. More sharing and solidarity
Joséphine Goube @TECHFUGEES made a point stressing the shift in governments concerning their stand on migrants. Being a migrant was an issue decades ago for us, Europeans, and still can be tomorrow.
Fiction designing a story that put us, “Europeans”, in the shoes of the migrants of tomorrow was a perilous exercise which purpose however was praiseworthy : make us empathize and reflect on how more sharing and solidarity can be profitable for all. Using technologies to enhance collective intelligence and see how we can all benefit from each other’s experiences instead of closing down and letting our mental barriers prevail.
2. More inclusion in the workplace
Many conferences were dedicated to new working methods and organisational trends of tomorrow. Inclusion had a substantial share of the discussions : women, LGBT, handicapped people, senior employees had their voices in the matter to emphasize how diversity can help solve problems, grow, achieve goals and collaborate better in life but also in the workplace.
For this matter, both Sarah Daninthe — Olympic medalist, Arnaud Assoumani — Paralympic medalist gave a moving and very energizing speech on handling our differences, breaches to reach our goals and go beyond, driven by a collective of supporting people.
Jean-Charles Varlet, founder and CEO @ crème de la crème stressed the importance of mixing the profiles, building on the companies projects with new generations but also on senior employees. Matthieu Fouquet, Partner HR & Secretary General @ One point drew inspiring lessons during the reorganization of the company, endorsing a strategy based on the employees’ empowerment, auto-creating a wide range of collectives — instead of imposing on them a top-down, corporate collective — and being engaged in corporate missions which made sense for them.
3. Art is not AI
Standardization of artistic propositions, robot-written scenarios, replacement of human intelligence by artificial intelligence is a huge concern expressed in the print version of the “Maddytimes of 2084”.
The media quotes the famous French film director, François Truffaut :
“Les idées sont moins intéressantes que les êtres humains qui les inventent” (Ideas are less interesting than the humans who shape them).
This seems to be also a growing trend : enhancing humanity through creativity to circumvent the threat that AI represents today.
The fiction focusing on the upsurge of the film directors’ claims advocating for less bots-directors in the selection of the famous festival brings to light in a subtle, humoristic way, a matter tomorrow’s societies will have to clarify.
4. Wellbeing and happiness as part of the corporate missions
The future of the workplace is to be driven by the ultimate objective of making people happy for happier people work better and make clients happier too. Philippe Boyer, Innovation Director @ Covivio showcased a workplace designed to enhance connectivity, socialization and cocooning, adjusting to the people’s needs along the process. At times, we need to share visions, problems, solution, at times however, we need some private space to focus and reflect on a project : those have to be made possible at work.
Faustine Duriez, founder and CEO @ Cocoworker talked about developing the general emotional intelligence of the corporation, thus allowing the employees express their feelings and needs in terms of acknowledgement of their work. People feel more engaged and odds are the retention rate of the company will improve likewise.
Bénédicte de Raphélis Soissan, founder @ clustree, on ongoing training of the employees said it was important to find a way to cut HR algorithm biases and manage chaos and complexity to sort out skills data and offer everyone the opportunity to learn additional expertises and tailor their career path.
Last but not least, Anne-Charlotte Vuccino, founder and CEO @ YOGIST, stated that the corporations had to support and invest on the health and wellbeing of their employees. Health is to be included in the HR missions and promoted by very concrete, day-to-day actions instead of being taken into consideration when something goes wrong. Cure costs more to society but also to corporations than prevention.
5. Cycling (re-, up-…) is the new “après moi le déluge”
Wasting our resources and land does not seem to have so much media resonance today. “More” is no longer such a powerful buzzword (apart from the one spread in investor’s Unicorn land) and “Better” seems to be the new “More”.
Alain Bazot, CEO @ UFC Que Choisir illustrated the empowerment of consumers whose opinion is essential in shaping the products and offers of tomorrow.
Permaculture, more sustainable energy sources, recycling were essential topics discussed during this journey. Startup projects on bringing nature to the workplace (akagreen), or building sustainable furniture while supporting environmental causes (Nitsn) reveal this mindset shift which spreads across societies today, shaping the ones of tomorrow.
And you, what do you think the future of your children, of your children’s children would be like in 2084?