Amazeballz Stories Day 50/100: The Creator Paradox

You can’t be a creator and a critic at the same time.

Mary Lucus-Flannery
2 min readNov 4, 2016

I’ve had an epic (and I mean ep-freakin-ic) crazy week. Most of it I can’t even talk about. Big changes in my world. And boy howdy— have I been thinking a LOT.

Lots of voices are coming at me with so many suggestions and “great ideas” that aren’t so great. I want to nit pick. I want howl. I want to complain, and there is plenty to complain about.

And really what I need to do is just stop and breathe.


This a common pattern with me.

I am such a powerful critic. I can focus my laser of righteousness and superiority on almost anything and eviscerate it. And feel powerful and smart. Daaaamn it feels good!

And then I remember;

I can’t be a critic and a creator at the same time.

And I want to be a creator SO MUCH MORE than I want to be a critic.

As a leader and a change maker, the act of creation is the most sacred and useful talent I have. I cannot afford to dishonor it by indulging in the feel good superiority of being a critic.

You can’t do both at once. The muscle you exercise the most becomes your life long skill. So, do you want big bulging hammering critic bicep or a speedy, fast twitch, racer’s creator quads?

Do you want to be a critic or a creator? You pick.


Hi! I’m Mary — a chiropractor, a writer, a marketer, and a teacher.

I am the founder of The Art of Story Project, an online business which coaches speakers and content creators to use story to become more powerful influencers.

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Mary Lucus-Flannery

i love storytelling, making stuff, and learning to speak my truth.