Announcing Buffalo Firefly

Mary-Lynne Williams
3 min readDec 1, 2019


BIG NEWS for my friends, family and network. I’ve been in Seattle for almost 11 years now working for Microsoft, Facebook and Zillow. I put aside my career in tech as a design leader after 23 years to follow my heart to start my own business called BUFFALO FIREFLY. I have been doing this for a couple months now and it’s time to announce it here! I officially launched the business November 1st and the best place to follow me is on INSTAGRAM where I have almost daily posts and stories, but you may also follow me here on Medium, LinkedIn or Facebook (I have a Twitter page, but I’m not posting there yet :) Baby steps!) The business will grow and change over time, but it is starting out with Intuitive Coaching, Reiki and Tarot. Small business Saturday deal on a session for yourself of Gift Certificates for the holidays is available today (November 30, 2019). Keep an eye out for additional deals over the holidays!

At a recent retreat, reading cards for the group.

For the Intuitive Coaching, this falls into the realm of career coaching or life coaching. I focus on helping people follow their own inner voice and learn what their intuition looks and sounds like. I primarily work with people in the tech industry and design so far, because of my extensive experience there, but I also work with others. Basically, I believe that everything you need is within you and I am just here to help you unfold it.

I have been meditating on and off for years now to relieve stress and overcome depression (haha because I worked in tech 😅) and the meditations led me to a higher awareness of the energy inside me, in my immediate bio-magnetic field, and all around us. So, I trained to become a reiki practitioner. Reiki is a type of energy healing which is extremely powerful at reducing stress and helping you relax. This can be done in person, or from a distance… and while I can’t EXACTLY explain how it works from a distance, it does… it’s basically quantum physics. All energy is connected.

I’ve also been using Tarot cards as a means to help people open up about what their core issues are. Whether or not you believe there’s anything mystical or even weird about Tarot, I find this to be a magnificent tool at creating clarity and perspective for myself and my clients. Tarot consists of centuries-old concepts on life, phases of life, parallel aspects of life… and by looking at the cards in the context of what you’re trying to understand in your life, you are able to see it from a perspective that you otherwise wouldn’t naturally go to. This is where neuroscience comes in and fascinates me. The brain is at once brilliant and dumb. It learns a behavior or a thought pattern and each time you think or do that thing, the brain makes a deeper groove, causing it to be far more likely you will do the same thing over and over. If you’re trying to solve a problem by using the same energy that created it, you’re going to go in circles. But the brain is also brilliant (and plastic re: neural plasticity) in the sense that it can re-carve those pathways if you just look at things differently, rinse, wash and repeat.

So, I’d love it if you can follow me here, on Instagram and Facebook. Buy a session for yourself with this Small Business Saturday deal of 33% off any of my services. Or, buy a gift certificate for your friends and family!

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LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE (it will help people find me)


OR CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE (where you can book online)


Thank you so much for your support of my new endeavor!



Mary-Lynne Williams

Intuitive Coach and Reiki Practitioner. Former Product Design Director, Zillow. Previously Facebook, Microsoft and Razorfish NYC.