Fuck “fake it till you make it”: Why we’re betting on authenticity

Mary Pratt
4 min readJan 30, 2016


“You’re doing what now?”

That’s the response my partner, Myles, and I heard again and again when we told people about our latest marketing effort: a month-long daily vlog documenting our lives.

Watch a little trailer on our project >

It’s definitely not something most new business owners take on. We’re showing all of our cards, and we know that’s a risk.

But we’re hoping it’s a risk that will pay off for our 6-month-old company Forward Films, which makes promo videos for brands. We’re both 31 and just finished a series of 30 near-daily vlogs about our experiences trying to grow our little venture.

In the videos, we candidly share that we’re still “figuring things out” with our business, often recording in our (not always spotless) studio apartment where we work.

Other vlogs include, among other things:

  • musings about potential pathways to success (hand-drawn illustrations included)
  • interviews with each other (we’re also married) that distill our dynamic
  • tips on making videos
  • lively outings spanning both professional and personal commitments
Vlog #19: We reflect on how far we’ve come as a business and hypothesize about our biggest hurdle moving forward. Watch now >
Vlog #21: We work past the zombie zone of exhaustion to pack for the next day’s shoot, and I give advice on video gear. Watch now >
Vlog #6: My partner/husband and I interview each other about our different families and communication styles, and discuss our upcoming holiday trip to see relatives. Watch now >
Vlog #11: I turn into Grumpy Cat when “attacked” by holiday hugs from Myles’ family, then reflect on Christmases past and my own family traditions. Watch now >

Why are we sharing so much? And, more importantly, why do we think it will help our business?

Here’s my husband’s take: “Well, when you’re a service business, that’s personal. That’s about long-term relationships. We’re pretty new to the area, and we wanted to let people get to know us.”

These videos show what we’re really like, which is good to know if you’re interested in working with us.

<love> Myles Pratt, my partner in business and life </love>

Beyond that, the vlog project has simply been a way for us to share knowledge and connect with others.

Starting a business affects all parts of your life — your health, your personal relationships, your sanity. We’ve had to learn (or try to learn) to balance all of that to get anywhere. We liked the idea of sharing real-time insights and struggles with other entrepreneurs; it can be very motivating to see what others are going through.

Vlog #15: We spend New Year’s Eve traveling from New York back home to San Francisco. That’s when things get ugly. Watch now >
Vlog #27: “Your business will not make it.” We respond to this comment and talk about our “professional image” (or lack thereof?) in this Q&A. Watch now >

But some have questioned whether we’re revealing too much.

Will potential clients find the amount of personal info we’re sharing inappropriate? one viewer asks.

Why would we admit that we’re still figuring our business plan out? another asks, adding that he would not hire us.

Another commenter predicts that our business will fail because of it.

Honestly we started out with these kinds of worries. In the very beginning of our business, we led with your standard fare of fake-it-till-we-make-it posts on social media, but we felt ourselves feeling phony.

Eventually we got confident about this:

We don’t see it as a weakness to admit that we’re still figuring things out. Besides, the world is always changing and even the biggest companies need to adapt. And what is business if not ‘figuring it out’? We plan to do that forever and want to work with people who do, too.

So what have we figured out after a month of daily vlogging?

Well, we have no plans to stop sharing our lives — just not daily, to preserve our sanity.

Watch this >

On the business side, though, we want to help brands share more authentically through online video. The coolest part? We’ve already received interest because of the vlog. #effthehaters #doyou

Bottom line: Marketing is very different than in the past. For our generation — millennials — authenticity is what gets our attention and respect. And authenticity is not something we’re figuring out. When you’ve talked about your bowel movements and marriage on the internet, you’ve pretty much got that down.

Mary and Myles Pratt are the co-founders of Forward Films, a San Francisco-based company that makes short “super-authentic” marketing videos for brands. From explainer videos to testimonials to event coverage, there’s one common thread: no actors; true stories only. Learn more at goforwardfilms.com.

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What do you think? Are we the awkward over-sharers at the party? Or do you find our vlog endearing? I’d ❤ your feedback below.



Mary Pratt

I make videos for big-hearted hustlers at http://goforwardfilms.com. I also am very excitable by good food and any sort of comic relief.