Marley’s World

4 min readMay 8, 2022

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace.”

-Bob Marley

No Woman, No Cry

ABC News

It was shortly after Alito’s leaked opinion.

I know this was a long time ago, but you will remember this if you remember your history.

The researchers had figured out that men’s sperm count was falling. Microplastics were not good for sperm count. Worse yet, for most, men’s penises were shrinking. No one was having much fun in the bedroom anymore, except for lesbians. The twenty-five-year-olds did not have much of a sperm count, as they stared at their tiny penises, and the sixty-year-olds did not have much of a sex drive. Who’d want to play with this? It was kind of like playing football with a tennis ball.

Women were impressed with none of it. It did not take George Orwell or Margaret Atwood to figure this out. The anti-abortionists wanted power. What we did not know at the time was how truly frightened they were. Less sperm, fewer workers, and no one knew how to stop the cascading effect of this. The Jeff Bezos’ class did know that there would be fewer workers for the distribution centers. What they did not understand at that point revealed itself later.

After Putin had a heart attack as he ordered a nuclear strike on Poland, the information was revealed. As…




A digital nomad, traveling the world, opinionated and curious.