The Scary New Sexual Threat SCAM Alert

Mary Silver MSW
4 min readJul 15, 2018
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

I woke up thinking it was going to be a pretty low-key day. My plans were to work, write, and submit articles but then I opened my email.

Foiled again!

My plans were derailed!

It was early on a Saturday morning. I was drinking my delicious hazelnut coffee on the couch while my husband was sitting next to me, gently entering into the day. He woke up with a bad headache so we were starting the day on a quiet note.

I was enjoying the aroma of my freshly brewed coffee and loving the warmth of his blanket covering my feet.

As we were sitting there and talking, I had brought up an idea I had the night before and asked for his opinion on the subject.

While he was thinking about the idea, I opened up my email.

That’s when I saw it!

I usually scan my emails quickly and delete anything that seems like SPAM but since I know that sometime emails I request get sent to the SPAM folder, I look in there daily.

I instantly highlighted around 35 emails that I was going to delete without reading when something caught my eye. I saw a headline from someone I didn’t recognize that had my email address and my password in the subject line.



Mary Silver MSW

Mary has a Master's in Social Work & is a Cert. Life Coach helping women create love & prosperity in their lives. For more info. go to