My Learning Path: Frontend’s Journey.

Mary Snopok
3 min readMar 21, 2022


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash.

I am a true lover of applied knowledge and a genuine fan of education in general. From my humble opinion the more you learn the better version of yourself you can become. Just compare today’s version of yourself towards the past, and you will most probably get my point.

New knowledge broadens our individual perspective, helps us accept our own imperfections and become more agile in our careers.

Needless to say that I ended up holding a few traditional high education and post-graduate diplomas, but I never thought that it was the only way. Definitely it is not the case for the information era we all are currently living in. Thus, when I made up my mind to deep dive in the magic world of interface building, I decided to choose a self-learning path. At least that’s how I started.

0: Choose you learning vector

Visual representation of my work results is really important to me. So I did not hesitate for long before picking the frontend path. However, there are so many interesting and challenging aspects in the backend field that I did not know about when I started, that you should better make your own research and don’t rely on internet strangers too much 😉. At least collect all the opinions before you start.

Here is the list of awesome Discord communities, feel free to pick your preferred language and jump in : Github — List of dev communities

The following community was so welcoming that I literally did not have other choice ❤️: Frontend Community — Discord

1: Structure your studies

Initially I made a learning plan that looked something like this:

Version 1.0

  • gasp the essentials: html, css
  • add basic functionality with JS
  • try Bootstrap, look at Tailwind
  • code as much as you can, create pet projects

It helped to hit the road, establish the direction and create some early pet projects with CSS and JS. On the way I had to undertake a number of courses, read a bunch of articles and found lots of amazing educational content, some of which I will share further in the article.

2: Select sources

Version 2.0

  • start with Node + Express
  • add data base, mongoDB

The second evolution of my learning was way more exciting, thanks to Colt Steel and his amazing coaching skills. I completed his Web Developer BootCamp course and still consider it - the best education investment I’ve ever made: The Web Development BootCamp.

Lucky there are bunch of free high quality sources that anyone can access and benefit from, here is the short list:

There are many courses to check out, here are my favourites:

Also here is the doc with my personal selection of sources, articles, e-books, tools, etc: Hope you gonna find it useful ❤️.

3: Join community

Version 3.0

  • start with React
  • add Redux state management
  • build a React Native app

The third version of my planning was actually the tricky thing to start . I realised that I am hitting a ceiling and can’t progress in my studies further without some form of community. Of course you can always ask your questions on StackOverflow but the tricky part is actually knowing what to ask 😊. Yes, it appears to be that difficult at the start.

Luckily, while searching for a community, I found a fantastic program hosted by Technigo. It not only matched my learning agenda, but also provided an amazing dev community to become a part of, cool pair and mob programming projects, code coaching, career enhancement program, scrum based team collaboration and many more. The overall vibe of the induction session was so cosy that I enrolled straight away. After 24 highly intensive and honestly challenging weeks, I finally accomplished the Stage 3 of my frontend journey by building up my portfolio and my first React Native app.

♾️: Enjoy continuous learning

The most exciting part of programming is that learning never ends in this field, no matter how senior or skilled you are there will be a topic to learn for an eternity of your professional life. So my Version 4.0 is already in progress…

P.S. Feel free to reach out if you fancy to chat

