Be a team player

maryum razzaque
2 min readDec 22, 2017


While reading” The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork from John Maxwell” I came cross by many valuable things. Communication is really important for a well team player and it should be in assertive sense in which you are respecting your and others concerns.

When I took evaluation test I got 23 marks out of 30. These are quite nice and the result is little bit surprising for me because roughly I assumed that I got around 20 marks. But result is 3% above than my expectations.

Actually, I normally prefer individual working rather than teamwork just because of some concern regarding understanding level and compatibility. I think I need to work to communication strategy that will help me to address clearly and easily understand by other team mates. For this purpose I should speak to the point and try to clear any ambiguity.

I also need to bring some flexibility in my behavior. So, I can enjoy company of my teammates. For this purpose I should value other point of views and discussion. Try to learn something from their experience and enjoy those moment who make teammates happy.

Well, these are few concerns. Although I am great team player according to my point of view and for best team player communication also matters because firstly these are words who make team champions. If you are good in communication, somehow have some motivational spirit then you can lead your team towards success.

