Published inErretres InsightsWhat Japanese Management Misunderstands about DesignOn October 31, I joined the Technical Strategic Design Conference at the Embassy of Spain in Tokyo to introduce Erretres to the Japanese…Nov 26, 20182Nov 26, 20182
Published inErretres Insightsなぜテクノロジー企業にデザインが必要か?もし、テクノロジーやイノベーション関連のカンファレンスに行ったことがあれば、何が話題の中心かは簡単に想像がつくだろう。多くの場合、話のテーマは「いかに素晴らしい機能か」についてだ。Jul 4, 2018Jul 4, 2018
Published inErretres InsightsWhy Do Technology Companies Need Design Today?If you have ever been to a tech conference or innovation event, you’ll know that the topic of conversation tends to be technology: how your…Jul 3, 2018Jul 3, 2018
Published inErretres InsightsJapanese Technology Meets Spanish DesignOn June 8th, in the Spanish Embassy in Tokyo, as the advisor of Erretres, I organized the conference “Japanese Technology Meets Spanish…Nov 17, 2017Nov 17, 2017