Being an Israel Teaching Fellows with Masa Israel Journey

Masa Canada
1 min readOct 27, 2015


Masa Israel Teaching Fellows is a 10-month fellowship for college graduates aged 21 to 30 — and it’s your path to the experience of a lifetime. Boost your resume by developing leadership skills and gaining international experience. Immerse yourself in Israeli society and become an integral member of the city in which you live, teach and volunteer. The cost? Just $1,000 covers your flight, housing, monthly cash stipend and amenities.

To hear about Morgan’s experience on ITF check this out!

Next week hear from Geoff who did ITF in 2014–2015 and is know the Student Life Coordinator at the Hillel for the University of Ottawa!



Masa Canada

Where Masa Israel alumni from across Canada can connect and share stories about their Israel experience while helping others determine their Masa Israel Joruney