Serverless Functions in Next.js: A Practical Guide

Masader Tech
6 min readJun 6, 2023


Serverless functions have become an increasingly popular approach in the modern web development landscape. The Next.js framework, built on top of React.js, provides an excellent platform for developers to harness the power of serverless functions for creating scalable and performant web applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of developing and deploying serverless functions using Next.js, React.js, and other complementary tools and technologies.

1. Introduction to Serverless Functions

Serverless functions also referred to as “serverless computing” or simply “serverless”, allow developers to build and deploy applications without having to worry about managing the underlying server infrastructure. In a serverless architecture, the cloud provider takes care of provisioning, scaling, and maintaining the servers, allowing developers to focus solely on writing and deploying their code.

In essence, serverless functions are bundles of code that are automatically executed and managed by a third-party service, such as AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions. These functions can be triggered by various events, such as HTTP requests, scheduled timers, or other cloud services, and are billed on a per-execution or per-resource basis, making them cost-effective, especially for low-frequency or sporadic workloads.

2. Understanding Next.js and React.js

Next.js is a popular JavaScript framework built on top of React.js, the widely-used library for building user interfaces. Next.js provides a set of tools and features that make it easy to create fast, scalable, and reliable web applications. Some of its key features include server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), automatic code splitting, and optimized production builds.

React.js, on the other hand, is a library for building user interfaces using components. These components can be combined and reused to create complex UIs, making it an ideal choice for developers looking to build web applications with a maintainable and scalable codebase.

By leveraging the power of Next.js and React.js, developers can create serverless applications that are both powerful and easy to manage.

3. Benefits of Serverless Functions in Next.js

There are several advantages to using serverless functions in a Next.js application, including:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Serverless functions are billed based on the number of executions and resources used, making them a cost-effective solution for applications with low-frequency or sporadic workloads.
  • Easier management: Developers don’t have to worry about server provisioning, configuration, or maintenance, which frees up time and resources for other tasks.
  • Automatic scaling: Serverless functions can automatically scale to accommodate traffic spikes and increased demand, ensuring optimal performance and user experience.
  • Enhanced security: Serverless functions are run in micro-containers, which can provide an additional layer of security and isolation from other applications and services.
  • Code reusability: Serverless functions can be easily reused across multiple projects, promoting modular and maintainable codebases.

4. Setting Up Your Next.js Application

To get started with building a serverless Next.js application, you will first need to set up a new project. Here are the steps to create a new Next.js project using the create-next-app command:

  1. Install Node.js on your system if you haven’t already.
  2. Run the following command to create a new Next.js project:

yarn create next-app your-project-name

  1. Change into the newly created project directory:

cd your-project-name

  1. Start the development server:

yarn dev

By following these steps, you will have a basic Next.js project set up and ready for further development.

5. Connecting to MongoDB

One of the essential components of a web application is a database for storing and retrieving data. In this guide, we will be using MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, to store our application’s data. To connect your Next.js application to MongoDB, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a MongoDB Atlas account and create a new cluster.
  2. Obtain the connection string for your cluster by clicking on the “Connect” button and selecting “Connect your application”.
  3. Install the mongodb package in your Next.js project using the following command:

yarn add mongodb

  1. Create a .env file in the root of your project and add the following line, replacing <your-connection-string> with the connection string obtained in step 2:


  1. In your Next.js application, use the MongoClient from the mongodb package to connect to your MongoDB cluster and perform database operations.

By following these steps, your Next.js application will be connected to a MongoDB database, allowing you to store and retrieve data for your serverless functions.

6. Creating and Deploying Serverless Functions

In a Next.js application, serverless functions can be created within the pages/api directory. Each file within this directory corresponds to a serverless function that can be triggered via an API route.

To create a serverless function, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file within the pages/api directory, such as my-function.js.
  2. In this file, export a default function that takes two arguments, req (the incoming request) and res (the outgoing response), and performs the desired serverless function logic.

Here’s an example of a simple serverless function that returns a JSON object containing a message:

// pages/api/my-function.js

export default function handler(req, res) {
res.status(200).json({ message: 'Hello from my serverless function!' });

To deploy your serverless functions, you can use a platform like Vercel, which was created by the same team behind Next.js. Vercel provides an easy-to-use and powerful platform for deploying serverless Next.js applications with minimal configuration.

7. Dynamic Routing and API Routes

Next.js supports dynamic routing and API routes, which can be used to create complex and flexible routing patterns for your application. Dynamic routes can be created by adding brackets [] to a page component or API route file name, such as [id].js or [param].js. These dynamic routes can match any route that follows the specified pattern, such as /users/1 or /users/xyz.

API routes in Next.js enable you to build backend endpoints within your Next.js application, leveraging features like hot-reloading and a unified build pipeline. API routes are created within the pages/api directory and are treated as API endpoints rather than web pages.

By using dynamic routing and API routes, you can create powerful serverless applications with complex routing patterns and robust backend functionality.

8. Deployment with Vercel

Once you have developed your serverless Next.js application, it’s time to deploy it to a platform like Vercel. To deploy your application on Vercel, follow these steps:

  1. Push your Next.js project to a GitHub repository.
  2. Sign in to your Vercel account using your GitHub credentials.
  3. Click on “New Project”, select your repository, and click “Import”.
  4. Use the default settings and start the deployment process.

After the deployment is complete, you can access your application using the deployment URL provided by Vercel.

9. Securing Serverless Applications

Security is a crucial aspect of any web application, and serverless applications are no exception. To ensure the security of your serverless Next.js application, consider implementing the following best practices:

  • Use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit between the client and server.
  • Validate and sanitize user input to protect against common security risks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  • Use authentication and authorization mechanisms, such as JSON Web Tokens (JWT) or OAuth 2.0, to control access to restricted resources and endpoints.
  • Regularly update your dependencies to stay protected against known vulnerabilities.
  • Monitor and log activity within your application to detect and respond to potential security threats.

By following these best practices, you can significantly enhance the security of your serverless Next.js application and protect your users’ data.

10. Conclusion

In this comprehensive guide, we have covered the fundamentals of developing serverless functions in Next.js, a popular JavaScript framework built on top of React.js. We explored the benefits of serverless functions, the process of setting up a Next.js application and connecting it to a MongoDB database, creating and deploying serverless functions, and secure serverless applications.

By harnessing the power of Next.js and serverless functions, you can build scalable, performant, and cost-effective web applications that meet the demands of modern users. With this knowledge in hand, you are well-equipped to embark on your journey of creating serverless applications using Next.js and other complementary tools and technologies.



Masader Tech

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