No Act of Kindness is Ever Wasted

3 min readJul 30, 2022


Kindness is what softens us in the face of adversity. Kindness is what restores our faith in humanity. Kindness gives us the strength to go on. And kindness is what will sustain us. Kindness is whenever you choose to be generous and nice to someone. It is when you put someone elses needs before yours.

This idea always sounds childish to us. Especially, those of us that are brought up in Pakistan. Now dont get me wrong, Pakistani people are extremely kind. The amount of times I personally have seen Karachites helping other citizens with their bikes and cars is uncountable — and I don’t even go out that much. Maybe it’s the cliche of the word that makes it funny.

But apparently we are not the only ones who have this outlook.Studying in the Amal fellowship, this past week. we came to know that one of the least occurinng qualities of any professional, irrespective of their hierarchial designation, is kindness and compassion. This lacking makes communication among teammates and between leader and subordinates, considerably ineffective. Furthermore, in the absense of kindness, conflicts are nurtured. These things worsens the team performance and severs trust in between the members.

For becoming a better, productive and innovating team kindness is very important; both in an individual’s own life and their professional life. Some leaders even go forward and claims that kindness is not enough and people should strive to be empathetic and compassionate to their peers. For instilling in us the importance of kindness, Amal asked us to apperform 5 acts of kindness and document in a blog. So, here is a list of acts of kindness I had the blessing to perform.

  1. I Helped Nani to Pray, After She had Forgotten How Due to Years of Ailment

2. I Helped my Mother with House Chores

3. I Did the Dishes to give My Mother Some Time to Relax

4. I Made Green Tea for Parents

5. I Gave Charity

May Allah bless us with kindness and compassion so we may uplift people personally and professionally.

