How I used tinder to promote my website

Nathalie Kuoch
1 min readOct 5, 2014

Here is a little experiment I’ve done for the last 24 hours :

1/ I created a fake account with my real picture, and with a link to my website in the description (linking to the battles of miss and mister tinder :

2/ Using Tinder internal api, I created a tool to make random autolikes (100 at a time)

3/ With only 10 clicks, I autoliked 1000 people

… 3 hours later, I got : — 400 matches — 170 messages (only 60 seemed to have read my description, others were just saying basic “hello beauty” stuffs) — 50 visitors on my website (20 subscribed)

And now … my Tinder account has been blocked ☺

— end of my experiment —

PS : for those interested in the “massive liker” tool I created : (minimum geek skills are necessary )

