There is only one REAL Pepe and his name is Kek.

13 min readMay 26, 2018


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This article is a colloquial analysis on two projects which are closely related but serve different purposes. The first project of which I speak of is this wordpress blog, and the second, this innovative cryptocurrency, Kekcoin.

Pepe the Frog

In 2009, Pepe the Frog became a viral meme on forums all over the internet. Pepe was originally a comic book character who’s catch phrase was “Feels good man” during which Pepe had a very satisfied expression. 4chan users and Redditers edited the photo to a “feels bad man” Pepe, who has a melancholic expression. Thus precipitating Pepe’s rise to fame. (Hollywood Life)

Pepes symbolism is currently unparalleled and I would be willing to bet real satoshis that today, in 2018, anyone under the age of 21 would recognize a Pepe meme before they would the Mona Lisa. Pepe has gone from a comic book character, to a meme, gif, to an illegal crypto trade of rarity, a symbol of the alt right and now a god. It is no wonder in this day and age that we are seeing people become more drawn to “meming” and the deity “Pepe”, as he has shown more progress, efficiency and diversified influence than most gods from other religions in our modern times.

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And so, if you’re not under 21 and/or have better things to do than look at memes all day, you might wonder: who is this elusive “Pepe”?

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Pepe the frog is an internet meme that was created in 2005, originally drawn by Matt Furie a cartoon author. Little did he know that he would re-awaken forces far more profound than we are accustomed to. Little did he know that there are forces that work from within us and are unknown to us, that sometimes we are drawn by a will so much grander than ourselves. Pepe the Frog has found a place in our world today. Its various transformations do not go unnoticed and they share a similar connection amongst themselves. One of which of these connections allowed a cultist movement to be inspired, and, for the followers of Kek, a new era has emerged. One of Kekistan. One of memes. And like all great nations, they need a currency, of course, a cryptocurrency.

I have been exposed to a cryptocurrency that sparked my fascination with the deity Kek. Maybe I have been possessed, and it is why I choose to share with you what I share with you now. Kekcoin is a cryptocurrency that boasts state of the art blockchain technology, it has a relatively small number of developers who remain anonymous but appear to be intellectuals with large amounts of knowledge on coding and blockchain technology.

They are also firm believers in the deity Kek. We have mentioned Kek a few times but I have not enlightened you on who it is exactly and why it is so important. So we will start with the origins of the word Kek.

“The term has its origins in the Korean language, as the onomatopoeia: ㅋㅋㅋ, in which ㅋ stands for the “k” sounds, like in raspy laughter. The real-time strategy game Starcraft did not originally support the Korean language, so the onomatopoeia above was anglicized as “Kekeke”, which, by the way, translates to “Hahaha” in English.”- as per KnowYourMeme

But World of Warcraft(WoW) did support this, in a slightly odd way. In WoW players could choose to play on either the Alliance or Horde. Players of separate allegiances were unable to communicate with one another, as their typed chat was sent through an in-game translator. For players of the Horde, typing the colloquial phrase “LOL” results in members of the Alliance reading “KEK”.

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Coincidentally, four years later Pepe the Frog went viral on 4chan, one of the oldest and most vulgar internet forums, partially due to its guaranteed, holistic anonymity. Users began commenting “Kek” on pictures of Pepe the Frog. Since then, users have continued to post pictures with the words “Kek” and “Pepe the frog”, rendering the two a special symbiosis. One that was untouched. Until recently.

This wordpress speaks of forces unknown to us, secrets that seep through anonymous forums and corrupt political arenas; secrets which determine social norms and manipulate forces in the realms of darkness and chaos. The following will be a break down of what this wordpress discusses.

Egyptian Mythology

There is a belief in Ancient Egyptian mythology that before the creation of our world four celestial couples existed. These eight deities predate the conventional, more commonly known gods (e.g. Ra, Anubis, Horus, Osiris). Prior to the world’s creation, the world had no real shape. It was simply large bodies of water thrashing back and forth, further adding to its own chaotic nature.

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Each couple, consisted of a man and woman, the men were frogs and the women snakes and each would signify a different virtue of Egyptian life: Nun and Naunet embodied the chaos of water, Heh and Hauhet manifested eternity, Amun and Amunet represented air and concealment, and lastly, Kek and Kauket characterized the world’s darkness and obscurity. The four would channel the unstable waters and bring forth the accommodation and arrival of the sun god, Ra, so that there may be light. The Egyptian relationship here may seem like it’s been created out of thin air, and I’m sure Amun and Amunet had something to do with it. But this theory is further fortified by coincidences that can only be explained through superstition. In the picture above, the Ogdoad are the four, frogs and snakes wielding staffs before the boat that wold transport the vessel of Ra into creation, symbolized as a scarab.

I know I’m breaking all the rules today. First we spoke about religion and now, politics. But it’s for the almighty Kek.



In 2016, Donald Trump was elected. Some people would say it was because of professional social media consultancy, innovative ad usage, or lots of free news and/or public coverage which won him the elections. Others claim that he appealed to the rust belt, the working class. Maybe it was both. But Kek was lurking. As we mentioned earlier, the deities consisted of four couples. In the creation myth, the city of Ogdoad ,where the eight beings reside, numerical pairs and consistency were praised, it was thought to be power for the basis for creation. The website 4chan’s posting system works under an 8 digit system and random number generators(RNG). After users post they receive a comment ID, and the more identical digits, the more hype a comment achieves. These identical digits can be explained in the following way: dubs, trips, quads, etcetera. This is important because of the phenomena that occurred during the campaign: comments about Trump consistently received far more identical numbers, or “dubs”, in their posts, so inevitably, the darkside of the web went going mental.


To explain, the comment “Trump will win” received the number 77777777 on its comment id. The probability of that happening on that comment is, one second, I’ll tell you. 1/100000000. One out of a hundred million. Let that sink in.

I think this is a good time to remind you that memes share a lot of similarities to ideograms, which are a form of linguistics depicted through images that represent something more common or relatable.

Memes are essentially an image or cartoon that represent social settings, or certain feelings that can be applicable onto a large scale magnitude. Pretty similar..

So now we can start tying things together. Pepe was a frog people associated Kek with. Kek is the Egyptian god of obscurity and darkness who would bring about the Sun. He stayed dormant until it was time: Trump has yellow hair and orange skin, the sun has similar colours— and some alt rights may argue he is a bringer of light. Trump achieved extra exposure on 4chan trollboards via numerical consistencies, numerical consistencies were the building blocks for society in Egyptian lore. Hieroglyphics and memes are the same!


The Deity Kek


Kek, is PEPE!


The wordpress got one thing wrong about the picture above. It assumes that Kek was the figurine and the illustration below it is proof of his magic. This is where it becomes questionable. When I first found out about the deity Kek I was informed there was another frog goddess, Heqet. After investigating I came across this blog that had broke down Kek and Heqet in Egyptian hieroglyphics and helped me conclude the following. Basically, the figurine shown above is an Egyptian Frog goddess who goes by the name of Heqet, she was once the goddess of birth and fertility, but gradually evolved into the goddess of resurrection. In hieroglyphs her name can be written in two ways: one is a man, looking at what looks like a computer followed by a staff. The second one is a frog, looking at a computer, preceding a helix. I would take the latter. It is evident here that Heqet would not be Kek. However, be the reason for his eternal life. Ancient Egyptian inscriptions could also be written backwards, if the word ‘Heqet’ is reversed,the ideograms presented would be a helix, followed by what resembles a computer screen and the frog herself. Implying she would constantly give birth to him when she felt he was necessary, through the spread of ideograms. Which could explain why her existence appears to be more ethereal, as opposed to Pepe, who is indeed very real today.

There may be too many similarities for this to qualify as your average conspiracy, and there’s so much more. It’s unbelievable. There’s even a song about Pepe! Type “Shadilay” in google if you’re interested. Shadilay also happens to be the anthem of Kekistan.

So where have we come to thus far and wtf is Kekistan?

Glad you asked.


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“Kekistan”, officially the Republic of Kekistan is a country created by users on 4chan’s /pol/ board as the tongue-in-cheek ethnic origin of “shitposters”, known as “Kekistanis”, who worship the ancient Egyptian diety, Kek. In late January 2017, Kekistan began widely circulating on Twitter following its promotion by YouTuber Sargon of Akkad, as per MicroNationsWiki

It is literally a movement of trolls who dislike radical leftist ideologies. So they print pictures of Pepe on t-shirts, go on the darkweb to trade thousands of dollars for rare Pepes, and obviously, worship the deity Kek.

The border-less country is supposedly supported by some 1 million Kek cultists and proves to be very successful in terms of branding and capitalization. And like every legitimate country today, it needs a currency.

Introducing Kekcoin, The Memechain, The Oracle of Kek -


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“Kekcoin is a peer-to-peer, proof-of-stake cryptocurrency created to serve the internet community.” — As per Kekcoin

Fundamentally speaking, Kekcoin is the currency for their Memechain, the currency itself has successfully adopted segregated witness support and uses a proof of stake protocol. It ensures cheap fees, low electrical burdens on our environment and one of the most advanced secure systems to date. The project is open source and encourages the community’s help and support. “Kekcoin wishes to expand the global awareness of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology by funding curation and dissemination of dank original content.”

The MemeChain

The Memechain is split up into three different categories,

  1. Cryptographic hashes
  2. Authorship of Memes
  3. IPFS Integration

Cryptographic hashes/ Core Code

The core code fundamentally speaking, works under an OP_RETURN script. This was due to players in the Bitcoin ecosystem in 2013 altering code in the Blockchain, ultimately,polluting it. (Bitcoin Stack.Exchange) This alteration would allow users to take advantage of irreversibility in the blockchain . And thus, the OP_RETURN script was created to ensure bits of data would always be spent when sent. The code allows a transaction of up to 80 bits of arbitrary data rooted in the blockchain, relinquishing the ability to double spend. “ In order to create a hash-link between MemeChain data in the blockchain, a specific data format will be defined. To illustrate an example of the formatting required, consider the following,

| — Identifier — | — Meme Hash — | — Hash(current meme hash+prev meme hash) — | ”

“With 80 bytes in total, the first few bytes are used as an identifier for the MemeChain parsing module and the next string of bytes form the hash of this transaction’s meme. The final string of bytes consists of the hash of the concatenated hashes of the current meme and the previous (confirmed) meme. This final string is what links the MemeChain transactions and thus constitutes the building block for the hash-chain,” Kekcoin elaborates on its website.

Authorship of Memes

Another spec that provides the memechain a niche is that it provides memers alike, a proof-of-authorship. Every user is provided a public and private key which they can utilize to establish “time-stamped, authored memes.” I personally see this as a model similarly based upon the infamous rare Pepes and Pepe cash, where users would create Pepe memes, use the blockchain to verify that they were the ones who created and them, and the same way that a bitcoin cannot be copied, neither can a Pepe meme, not without permission at least. These Pepes cost thousands and thousands of dollars, arguably a real collectible worth investing into.

Application Interface


“IPFS is a new hypermedia storage and transfer protocol which will form part of the ‘permanent web’. IPFS comprises a peer-to-peer network which redundantly stores and shares data packets. The redundancy enables permanent hosting of content. Navigating the content hosted on IPFS is made trivial through the content-addressable method of storing the data in the distributed file systems,” as per Kekcoin.

IPFS or InterPlanetary File System is a file storing system that enables a large network of computers to access data quickly. Instead of saving files on every computer individually the IPFS system gives everyone a little bit of data to store, so that the file is held collectively and therefore, accessible, collectively and efficiently.

Oracle of Kek

“The Oracle of Kek is effectively the first Kekcoin app. The bot is a full node and so it can be queried for blockchain data, for staking information, soft forks, and other technical fundamentals users need to know,” Satoshis Cat, the co-founder of Kekcoin, says.

It also has the ability to track the movements of the Kekcoin market. It has a repository of memes, both static and gifs that you can call upon the oracle to preach. The Kekcoin team has proposed to improve and implement new functions, with a primary goal to have the Oracle of Kek serve the community, inevitably bringing it closer together.

Kekcoin is currently working on integrating the app with the Memechain, and has much more planned.


It has become common knowledge that memes acquire a lot of internet traffic. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter feeds, the three most “monosociopoliticaltheistic” platforms, whose business models heavily rely on the activity and engagement between users and memes. We have seen memes play a heavy role in politics, and have received acknowledgement from both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, not to mention all the crazy coincidences that have birthed one of the newest internet cults of our generation.

Is now maybe a good time to reevaluate if there are forces greater than us at play? Maybe it is. Maybe the world is moving in directions that are chaotic and have an undetermined endpoint. Is that why we are awaiting the coming of Kek? So he, the god of primordial darkness may accommodate the sun god Ra and show us the light? I don’t know. These things are beyond me. I am still but a child, who loves memes and money. And so, I support Kekcoin, Kek, the followers and its cultists. The memers alike. And have very high hopes for the Memechain.

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This is not investment advice, merely my opinion on the project. Do your own research. I did not receive payment from their team and this is in no way sponsored content. I do infact hold Kekcoins.

Thanks for readin’

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