The ‘intelligent’ future of e-Learning
4 min readApr 27, 2018


Team were delighted to have attended EXPOELEARNING XVII and International Congress in March, marking a week of celebration in education.

The main topic of this edition was the application of chatbots and, consequently, the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in the online learning process.

Can a chatbot replace a human? Does it mean the disappearance of the teacher as we know it? Our CEO, Víctor Sánchez, was invited to address the Congress and help deepen understanding and the impact on the future of education. He answers these and other questions in this interview:

  • Can you expand on the fundamental lines of your paper to the Congress of EXPOELEARNING XVII?

The fundamental line of the paper is to approach the concepts of bots, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning and TinCanAPI, as well as its practical use in reality to the congress..

  • How do you see the evolution and future of training in relation to the growing use of artificial intelligence and robotics?

I think the incorporation of artificial intelligence and robotics into the e-Learning industry will drive adaptation of teaching methodology for the each individual student. In addition, this will allow the adaption of content, not in terms of reduction, but in terms of strengthening the most complex areas.

The methodology and the content not only represent a technological advance, but also translates into an increase in the student’s motivation and, therefore, in the efficiency of the own training experience, and the impact it will subsequently have on his/her career path.

  • How is the chatbot applied to e-Learning used today?

We are experiencing the birth of the incorporation of chatbots in the e-Learning sector. In my opinion, I think this is just the beginning, and there is still a lot to explore and perfect. It is possible that within ten years, e-Learning can not be understood without chatbots! At present there is reluctance and fear of change, since it is easy to think that artificial intelligence can replace the teacher. Nothing could be further from the truth; the teacher’s role will be fundamental, but he will not have to worry so much about knowledge, but become the guide leading the student to learning. A robotic can teach knowledge, but the teacher will be in charge of teaching a student how to learn.

  • What are the great changes and novelties that we are going to see in the world of e-Learning in the next months?

In general, the education sector is much more conservative than other areas where technology hits in a more immediate way. There is a great responsibility in teaching within society, so the agents involved in the process take much longer to introduce new mechanics or take risks. However, it is much easier to adopt new measures when there is a quantitatively demonstrable certainty that it is synonymous with success. The main change is the management of Big Data to something on a more emotional level for the student. We are going to stop seeing statistics of time on the platforms, attendance at classes or the amount of resources shared, to seeing statistics capable of assessing the actual satisfaction of the student, the level of understanding of each resource and the degree of attention in each moment of the experience.

  • Do you think that in the future we will be trained with robots? What role will there be for the being human as a trainer?

We are already doing it now. Every day we learn something through the Internet: knowledge is in the network, robots are only a physical interface to those artificial intelligences that grow and evolve in the cloud. There is also a self-taught trend not only among the younger sectors of the population. I like to compare it with a book. Can you learn only by reading? The answer is clearly affirmative, if the teacher’s role were to only give us books and dates of the examination to evaluate knowledge. The human being as a trainer will not disappear; Their role will evolve and will be absolutely essential in the training process for students

  • How do you see Spain in the world of e-Learning?

In Spain, in general, it is difficult for us to introduce new technologies. We have, a fairly conservative spirit and we tend not to be pioneers in the implementation of new methodologies until their success has been demonstrated beyond our borders. However, it seems that in the last decade this is changing and that the new generations are ready for innovation. There are great ideas in our market and it is a pity that they end up being a success outside of Spain first. I have a great confidence in teachers wanting to adapt and make changes — we are in a wonderful moment.

  • Are you optimistic about the advancement of technology applied to training? Will being human always lead this change and progress?

I think that technology still has a lot to say in the education sector, to the point that will transform it completely until it is unrecognizable. This advance, nevertheless, will always have the human being behind it.

Thank you very much.

