Letting and Renting Through mashroom is The Future

4 min readOct 25, 2018


MIPIM is the UK’s largest property event for professionals, so it’s fair to say that any news coming out of the conference is worth its weight in gold. This year all the talk was about technology, community, transparency, cost-effectiveness, and accessible housing. And it just so happens that these topics encompass the sentiment of mashroom.

Technology is opening many doors for organisations across a variety of sectors — and it’s no different in the UK property market. At mashroom, we’re championing change in the industry and providing a better experience that is accessible and transparent through the use of technology.

Which is why we thought it was important to create this post, looking at the key takeaways from MIPIM and how they match with mashroom’s concept for a product that offers technology, cost-saving and a sense of community.

Read on and enjoy!

MIPIM key takeaways

Every year, property professionals gravitate to London Olympia to attend MIPIM, which is the most comprehensive conference programme in the real estate industry. Many Industry experts, councillors, politicians, established companies and startups were on hand to provide their insights.

With such an eclectic mix of property experts, you would be forgiven for thinking that opinions varied. However, the overwhelming consensus was that the housing market needs more homes to suit all age demographics throughout the UK.

Homes for renters and buyers should be created to allow communities to form and have a better standard of living. While the need for efficient and affordable housing was high on the agenda, the topic that kept coming up centred around how technology can support such demands.

The role of technology in property

The enthusiasm in which technology is celebrated isn’t slowing down. It has the power to create smoother transactions that are more user-friendly than anything we have previously seen. Tech is also making customer service a more seamless experience. Many of the speakers agreed that customers still want ‘luxury’ and ‘comfort’, but they want it in the most cost-effective way.

For businesses to achieve those results, they need to focus their efforts on technology and utilising it to provide better customer experiences for their audiences. The property industry, like the hotel sector and many others, are now finding ways to harness the power of tech.

Growing the community

The word ‘community’ was a recurring theme in many of the talks. There was a focus on how council planning departments and architects are trying to adapt and build housing that is more community friendly. Rooftop terraces and communal rooms within blocks of flat were some of the ideas bandied about in an effort to encourage residents to grow their sense of community organically.

Achieving a sense of togetherness is a big project to undertake, so it’s no surprise to see technology play a significant role and help lay the foundations. Creating transparent, more accessible services will help to empower this generation of property owners and renters to create a better community.

Mashroom and a community fueled by technology

Where does mashroom’s service fit into the property ecosystem? Our platform supports landlords and tenants to find the properties they want, achieve rental agreements and, most importantly, keep them connected throughout the property lifecycle.

That sense of ‘staying connected’ will help create a stronger community atmosphere, which is at the heart of everything we do. Landlords, incoming and departing tenants can communicate with total transparency. None of our customers need to worry about waiting for agents to gather and relay information; everything they need is available on mashroom.

We put customers in touch with who they need to speak to directly, removing the need for a third person — which often results in Chinese Whispers and misinformation.

Keeping it cost effective

As well as technology and community, MIPIM taught us that consumers demand quality that is affordable. With mashroom, landlords won’t pay fees higher than 3% — which is much lower than the high street average of around 10%.

Departing tenants are paid up to one week’s worth of their rent for finding incoming tenants, who save money on referencing and deposits — and it’s all done through the mashroom platform.

It doesn’t stop there, however. Our goal is to create a hub where there is complete transparency. That means property management takes place on mashroom’s platform, which cuts out much of the back and forth between middlemen. We aim to enhance the lettings experience.

The MIPIM event reinforced our belief that mashroom is the answer to refining the rental process and creating a fairer and rewarding space where landlords and tenants can operate together.

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End-to-end Lettings platform that uses technology and community to connect landlords with their tenants while rewarding both.