Construction Tips For Concrete Homes in NYC

Tony’s Masonry
2 min readApr 7, 2017


When building homes in NYC, we all love investing in stuff that is durable, reasonably priced and synchronizes well with the whole look of the house. Every time one walks out of the home, carefully look at houses in the vicinity trying to make a mental note that can be incorporated in their own home. One thing that remains common in all of this is the quality of concrete used for building homes.

Concrete fits all the parameters mentioned above and is easily available to be used in almost any part of home. Hiring a professional to take care of all structural additions to any home or commercial building is vital to achieving good results.

The complexity of the project and the understanding of the many techniques involved are important to ensure problems and safety issues do not arise. However, there are a few things that one must keep in mind when using it to design homes. Some of these tips have been mentioned as under:

  1. Before opting for concrete as a design element for the house it is important to hire a concrete contractor who knows the best way out of concrete services. New York City, for example, has a lot of contractors who have varied experiences with using concrete in homes and offices. Discuss the idea with them before execution.
  2. Mixing of concrete material is an art and the durability of the concrete depends upon the kind of mixture prepared at the time of making the design. Hence, it is best to leave it to the ones who know all about concrete, the contractors.
  3. There is a wide variety of concrete available in the market. Different part of the house requires concrete of different strength. For example, a concrete driveway needs to be sturdier in comparison to a sidewalk in the backyard. Consult the concrete contractor for the best possible option to accomplish the task.
  4. Concrete is compacted by the use of vibrators. The framework of concrete should be strong enough to avoid any kind of leakage in the same. The leakages of mortar results in ‘honeycombing’.
  5. In case specific designs need to me incorporated in the concrete structure then the same should be discussed with the concrete contractor. They are professional and can give the best feedback on the clients’ ideas.

