Masood Hasan
2 min readDec 7, 2016


There are always widespread debates and discussions all over the world about the predicaments, issues and conflicts between the minority communities and the majority communities. Different interested groups ranging from politics to religious beliefs successfully use these two jargon for their respective domination and empowerment. There is hardly any discussion about where the problem lies. It is well known fact that there is minority within minority and minority within majority. The twin minorities within the minority and majority communities move together and join hands for their common benefits while, the majority groups in both the minority and majority communities are suppressed in one way or the other kept ignorant, poverty ridden, illiterate and largely away from modern education. Prophets of all religions did not distinguish between the religious and modern education. People learn with the time and experience giving rise to numerous innovative technological development which reduces cost of production and enabling them improved standard of living in different walks of life.

The problem is, indeed, of the majority groups of the minority and majority communities who are the real sufferers and most of them are even deprived of the bare necessities of life. These two majority groups from the minority and majority communities are kept divided on conventional lines using cast, creed, region and colour while their real predicaments are similar. One should not forget and close eyes that lotus grows in muddy water and innovation too place out of the dexterity arising out of the long experience of the so called artisan class. Those countries realised it much earlier are now developed countries where as the underdeveloped world failing to follow the modern trends are still far behind. The modern education and technological development does not interfere with the virtuous value bound life. It rather teaches and train one to be time bound and competitive for survival.

Let us realise where the predicament of the minority and majority communities exists so that remedial measures may accordingly be adopted for solving the real problems and issues in the larger interest of peace and harmony.


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Masood Hasan

Prof. (Retd.) Dept. of Economics, AMU, Aligarh, India