Constructive Feedback

2 min readJan 13, 2020


Amal Academy a platform to learn new things and grow for self development. Being part of it I have learnt so many things that are useful for my personal and professional growth from how to become a lifelong learner to how to make strong network, how to be thankful, how to make best resume and cover letter, how to write a quality thank you email, how to take a leadership role without being a leader, how to work effectively and friendly as a team member, how to teach and learn from fellows, how to search and apply for a job, how to think critically, decision making , how to go the extra mile in an interview, how to do effective communication, how to show kindness, how to own and solve problems, how to think positively, entrepreneurship, Excel, mentorship, feedback is my favorite.

Feedback is something that is an essential part of progress, without feedback one can neither bring improvement nor change in his/her work. Feedback is a key to learning, In the absence of feedback people will fill in the blanks with a negative, they will assume you don't care about them or don't like them.


Before Amal fellowship I used to get a lot defensive while taking feedback and never ever appreciated a person giving feedback but during fellowship I learned how to give and receive constructive feedback and improved myself a lot. Now I feel so glad if someone gives me feedback about my work and behavior and I always appreciate them.


There are two types of people, one with fixed mindset and other with a growth mindset, person with a growth mindset most of the time thinks this person do not like me or my work, I should give up or I am embarrassed, while on the other hand people with growth mindset always think that this person is trying to help me in my weak areas to help me improve, this person loves my work, I must try to improve my mistakes and I should be thankful to this person. So, to avoid any type of misconception, feedback should always be started with a positive comment and by admiring their work, then say what if you have done this specific point or thing this way by using positive words and remind them good points and excellent effort at the end again. This will help them understand out points in a good way.

