Happiness Inspires Productivity

Masood Raza Aaheer
5 min readJan 3, 2018


Positive thinking is a tool to live a happy and positive life. Everyone wants to be happy and also wants to be successful in his/her life. But you can’t be happy with a negative mind and negative thoughts. To bring a happiness in your life you have to create a positive environment in your surroundings as well you have to create positivity in your mind.

Transform your idea ideas from negativity to positivity, If you start to ignore just little mistakes of others we will get a lot from this practice. We will learn patience, forgiveness, kindness, and internal peace. when we will build internal peace we will be happier and proactive in our daily tasks to achieve our goals.

“Happiness is dependent on self-discipline. We are the biggest obstacles to our own happiness. It is much easier to do battle with society and with others than to fight with our own nature”. Dennis Prager

Everyone face negative thoughts, problems, emotion and get depressed in his daily life. I have faced many challenges and problems in my life. A lot of times I had negative thoughts in my mind , so many times I got depressed and frustrated But I was determined and I survived with my passion.

Everyone face negative thoughts, problems, emotion and get depressed in his daily life. I have faced many challenges and problems in my life. A lot of times I had negative thoughts in my mind , so many times I got depressed and frustrated But I was determined and I survived with my passion.

Positive Thinking is not about expecting the best to happen every time but, accepting that Whatever happens is the best for this moment

During the course “5 secrets of positive thinking” I got a chance to listen the TED talk by Shawn Achor on “The happy secret to better work”.

Shawn Achor is the world’s leading positive psychology expert and bestselling author. According to him 90 % of our happiness is predicted by the way our brain processes the world and 75% of our job success is predicted by our optimism and social support

Ups and downs are the part of life. What we should do during downs of life. So that’s way we are practicing this activity of avoiding negative thoughts and enjoy each moment of life. Life is a process of growing. First of all be patient, bear the circumstances and then what you have to do to get rid of problem or situation. Mostly to avoid negative thinking I tried to talk with someone and engage myself in different activities like games, chatting, and outing.

“With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.” — Max Ehrmann,

A 2015 study of 821 middle school students in the United States showed that life satisfaction and academic performance seem to have a reciprocal influence on each other. Specifically, students with higher life satisfaction are more likely to get higher grades in the future, and students who get higher grades are more likely to see their life satisfaction go up. In other words, happiness and school outcomes can reinforce each other to create a vicious or a virtuous cycle.

The takeaway is that when we talk about improving educational outcomes, we shouldn’t underestimate the importance of mental health. Students who are happy and satisfied with their lives tend to be more engaged with their schoolwork, more resilient to academic setbacks, and ultimately more likely to get good grades and is the same case with professional job holders. Happiness increase the level of productivity.

“If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sun and you will always look lovely”

It is always the choice of our brain to be happy, positive or stressful. There are a plenty of ways to get rid of this chaos and be happy. A few are listed here:

1. We should always see adversity as opportunities

2. As emotions are contagious, we should always be positive because people will be more positive if we are positive

3. Positive attitude is the decision that we make so make the decision to be positive

4. Positive attitude can be learned through gratitude so show and practice gratitude

There are a few really helpful techniques or tools which we can use to divert our attentions from the negatives sides or less positive sides to the positive or more positive sides of our lives.

· Gratitude

· Journaling

· Exercise

· Meditation

· Random acts of kindness

I think we should exercise try to being happiness in every day. I did a lot of exercise in my life for example engage in a random, conscious act of kindness, write a two-minute positive email thanking a friend or colleague, or compliment someone you admire on social media, add these steps in your routine life, and you will begin to see a lasting shift in your mindset towards more positivism. Live the life not spend the life.

