Be a better front-end developer: use Docker 🐳

Massimo Ruggirello
2 min readOct 15, 2018

Hey Alice, are you:

  • tired of having to install NodeJS on your PC?
  • tired of your backend friends saying “Docker it’s cool”, but you are just a fucking frontend dev?
  • tired of dealing with dependency conflicts?
  • tired of being tired?

Docker is the solution, trust me!

But let’s be clear: I’m not here to show you how docker works.

The whole point here is:

You don’t need NodeJS on your pc to compile assets, you can use Docker

So, if you are a fronted dev tired of all of the JS nonsense, follow me in the rabbit hole.

One command to rule them all

If you just need to execute NodeJS in a heartbit (pun intended), here is the magic formula to write in the command line

$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app node:latest npm install

And with few changes, you can easily:

  • execute a Specific NodeJS version (eg. 9.11) edit the command with:node:9.11.
  • execute multiple commands in NodeJS simply using /bin/bash -c.
  • run a specific environment (prod | dev) adding-e "NODE_ENV=production"
$ docker run --rm -e "NODE_ENV=production" -v $(pwd):/app -w /app node:9.11 /bin/bash -c "npm install && npm start"

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

This method is amazing if you just need to run some quick and dirty test and be ready to go in few minutes.

A more structured way: docker-compose.yml

What if you need to create something reusable and with some kind of persistency?

Docker Compose will help you on this task:

Docker Compose is the tool to define and run multiple Docker container.

Yeah, I know.. you don’t give a fuck about definitions. You are just a fucking frontend developer 🙌

Let me keep diving you into the rabbit hole, Alice.

Here you can see how I’ve added a docker-compose.yml file in my folder structure

Folder structureapp
├─ ...
├─ docker-compose.yml
└─ package.json

And this is the docker-compose.yml content


As you see, I’ve specified the specs I need in the .yml file instead of writing them in the command line. Now simply run

$  docker-compose run node npm install

to execute your Docker container.

Yes, Alice.

I’ve just Dockerized your fuckin ass, frontend dev!

