MASS Mainnet Goes Live!

1 min readDec 30, 2019


We are immensely proud to announce the launch of MASS, a universal consensus engine that aims to become the basic infrastructure to all blockchain consensus layers. MASS was founded on principals of openness and fairness, and is designed so that everyone has an equal chance to participate and benefit.

Utilising a Proof-of-Capacity consensus protocol, the MASS consensus engine creates a consensus layer that is permissionless, fair, energy efficiency, secure, and universal. It solves the issues that have caused Proof-of-Work consensus protocols to become increasingly centralised and wasteful, and instead creates an open and decentralised ecosystem that requires minimal resources and has almost no barriers to entry.

The MASS consensus engine is open-source and is able to able to provide consensus services to any number of public chains at once, making it a truly universal solution. The more chains that use MASS the more secure and effective it becomes, so there is major advantage in being open to all.

The MASS Full-Node Wallet is now available, and the source code for the MASS full node is open source on IPFS (QmXbF6F12Wnj4Q67pf5A2KVESGd3LBeyfdgPmXE1iwHW7m). Download them today and join a movement that is pushing blockchain towards a more effective, efficient, fair, and open future.

