The most important choice

2 min readNov 1, 2017


Every human being wants pleasantness — internal and external.

Internal environment consists of:
Physical — If pleasant, we call it health
Non-physical — If pleasant, we call it peace and happiness

External environment — If pleasant, we call it success (be it wealth, power or recognition).

We can set the internal environment right, irrespective of external environment. It is a choice — we can choose to maintain our desired internal state without getting effected by external circumstances.

Let’s understand why making that choice is extremely important.

External environment is not only in our control. There are other people and other things involved. But there are laws, processes and solutions. Let’s say we want love and respect from others. We can’t force or plead others to do so. But we can conduct ourselves and say and do things which deserve love and respect. Our conduct and deeds can be in right direction only when we are well managed internally.
A pleasant external environment can help make internal environment pleasant, but there are two issues with such pleasantness:
1. it is temporary — we will soon crave for more — this is basic human nature
2. it is unstable — since external environment depends on others as well

Depending on external pleasantness for inner pleasantness is futile. It’s like hamster running on a wheel. Permanent and stable inner peace comes from within. Once we are there, we can work our way to make the external environment as we like. But now there is a difference. Since now we are not discouraged and disappointed by the results, we have much more energy and focus to do what need to be done. We still want to achieve success, but our peace and happiness doesn’t depend on it. Instead our peace and happiness helps us in achieving success. There are many wants — but few needs. There are desires — but no desperation. There is passion — but no obsession.

Desire to desperation is a continuum — there is a thin line. How do I know the difference? How do I know when a want becomes a need?
It is simple — watch your internal state. If something is destroying your internal pleasantness, it is not worth it. Never ever sell your peace of mind.

