Asking and Answering Questions English Learning Unit 1

3 min readOct 15, 2022

Asking and Answering Questions


All of us need to interact or talk to people at different forums. We also interact socially at functions and parties. What do we have to do in order to interact or communicate with people around us? In a conversation we need to ask questions and answer those questions. In this unit you will learn how to ask questions and give answers.

A young man Yasir has been stopped for over speeding. A Police Officer is asking him some questions. Listen to the conversation between them on your cassette recorder.

Police Officer: What’s your name sir?

Let’s repeat the questions that the Police Officer asked Yasir :

There are many ways of asking questions in English but the most frequently used questions in English language begin with the letters WH, except the question-word How. To ask a WH question correctly in English, we must put the WH word in the beginning. Read these examples of WH questions:

When do you leave home for college?

Where do you study?

Why you don’t have your driving license with you?

What are you doing on the road so late at night?

Which street do you live in?

Whose car are you driving?

How are you going to call your family?

Let us now do a simple exercise that will help you construct WH questions. Read the statements and then ask/write appropriate questions using the question words given in brackets.

The train arrived at ten o’clock. (what, when)

What time did the train arrive?

When did the train arrive?

8 I didn’t bring my dictionary today as I’ve lost it. (why)

Mr Sajjad Shaikh is a traffic Police Officer. He is giving some basic traffic safety rules to a group of teenagers. This is what he tells them:

Sajjad Shaikh: You have to learn to observe lane discipline. By lane discipline I mean that you must always keep your lane, whether you are driving a car or a bicycle or walking. If you are driving, use indicators to show that which side you are turning to. Always use rear view and side mirrors while overtaking. Remember that over speeding thrills but kills! Over speeding is very dangerous because it can cause physical disability, will damage your vehicle and of course can cause loss of life. So please POLICE observe traffic rules as they are for you own safety.

After listening to Mr. Sajjad Shaikh can you now answer the following questions?

Question type

Form questions from the following statements:

GEO TV had an interesting reality show titled ‘George Ka Pakistan’. It is about George, a Britisher, who wants to settle down in Pakistan me and therefore he travels and explores the country and its people. George is staying at a hotel in Karachi. There are mistakes in waiter’s English the mistakes are marked with an asterisk (*). Now read the waiters English questions and correct them into proper questions.

G: Last night.

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