P3C 1.0 “Kujira” Wallet Released — Built for Maximal Decentralization

2 min readMay 12, 2019


Kujira is Japanese for “Whale” — Similar to how we envision the P3C smart contract

We are proud to announce the release of the P3C Kujira Wallet package! The purpose of the wallet is to collect everything needed to run the P3C site in a single package that the community can download and use themselves. Right now P3C.io currently runs entirely on Github pages, a great free service that gives us 100% uptime with no server costs. Users go to https://p3c.io/use.html and use then Saturn Wallet or Trust wallet to interact with the smart contract itself. However, in this case Github pages, the host of https://p3c.io , is a centralized point of failure.

In an environment that may have censored internet, or has difficulty accessing P3C.io, users can download the Kujira package locally (~9 MB) and connect to a locally running Ethereum Classic full node, and bank in peace directly from their computer. Kujira can also be loaded on a flash drive if necessary.

By not depending on Github or even a third party node provider, we further add to the resiliency of the P3C ecosystem. Install instructions for Kujira are in the package README. Features list:

  • Regular web wallet (/use.html) allows for auto-replay and is designed for average users. Page makes calls to servers for USD price information.
  • Pure web wallet (/pure.html) allows for direct connectivity with the smart contract. Designed for advanced users. Connects only with the ETC smart contract and requires no external API calls. Contains a ref generator, as well as calls to the RainMaker. Designed for maximum resilience.
  • Both wallets have all HTML/JS/CSS dependencies in this repo and require no installed packages to run.
  • All smart contract code, ABIs, and locations on the ETC blockchain are in the repo, specfically lib/contracts.js
  • This package also contains important documentation and memes, including the whitepaper.

To use a local node, we recommend using Nifty Wallet from your browser to connect on localhost:8545. It also supports hardware wallets, and has a good default Ethereum Classic mode.

Example of how to connect from a local node using Nifty Wallet

If decentralization and sovereignty over your P3C is important to you, we recommend you download the Kujira Wallet package .zip and try it out.

Download Link: https://github.com/p3c-bot/p3c-bot.github.io/archive/v1.0.0.zip

Alt Download Link: https://megaupload.nz/q9u2H4qen5/p3c-bot.github.io-1.0.0_zip


$ keccak-256sum p3c-bot.github.io-1.0.0.zip

6761AEE2AECC9BE2BACEDA044EA7242C0D7FF4E8CCB865E82012DA1D2BE64F56 p3c-bot.github.io-1.0.0.zip

