Altering Pre-Built Texture Maps

Markay Lucas
2 min readSep 12, 2022


Todays article I will show you how I customized my assets.

So if you checked out my creation of the control room you noticed I have this yellow looking environment thing going on. So I will show you how I changed this yellow environment to something a little different. Now there a few ways to tackle this and one of those things are to go to each asset and play around with the colors in the inspector. The second way is to grab a editor like gimp or photo shop. Now I will tell you this much Gimp is free for those of you who like the free stuff (who doesn't like free stuff). But for now I will be using photo shop because it came with a 7 day FREE trial. Lets get started

First thing I did was load up photo shop. Next thing I did was bring in the textures I want to change from my unity project. For this example i going to bring in my sci fi wall columns.

Next I right clicked on that texture and clicked on show in explore. I then dragged that first texture into photo shop.

Next at the bottom right I selected my hue/saturation tab and brought my saturation down to a color I was satisfied with. Now here you can play with the colors to what you feel is right for you. Next I went in the curves tab and move that around as well. Now that I got the look I was looking for I went to save as and just added blue to the end of the file. Its important to make sure you save it as a PNG file in the same location. The final step was to select the material folder where the tex is located and drag you saved file to the base map.

And there you have it altering a pre built texture. Hope this helps you out

