Using lighting in Unity

Markay Lucas
2 min readSep 9, 2022


In todays article I will write about the four different types of lighting in unity. Now we all know what our lights do in our homes but being able to create lighting in a game or environment makes me fill like Thomas Edison per say. Now lets go over these four different light types.

  1. Directional Light
  2. Point light
  3. Spot light
  4. Area Light

To open these four different light settings go to your game object tab and scroll down to lights and you will the four types.

  1. Directional Light: This light will luminate a entire scene. for an example you can move the direction of where you want the light to be.

2. Point light: This light is equal to a light bulb in your scene. And you can adjust the radius of the light as well as the brightness. Oh and forgot you can change the color of the bulb.

3. Spot Light: It does what it says. This light cast as a spot light that can also show shadows.

4. Area Light: Now this type of light is meant to baked. For this particular light to work your objects need to be set to static.

I will get into backing later on down the line. Hope this helps you with creating some light in your project see ya!

