MT7 Trading Platform — The Product Of The Inevitable Financial Trend

5 min readNov 15, 2018


Since its launch, the BO (Binary Option) Financial Platform which is meant to help investors make a high return on foreign exchange, stocks and cryptocurrency has grown rapidly and become one of the most popular trading platforms in the world with hundreds of thousands of new investors joining every month. Specifically, MT6 — one of many Binary Option trading platforms, has been present in over 100 countries, offering the opportunity to enrich more than 12.5 million trades with over 568 million IBs paid out and having around $ 7 trillion in total market volume. Those are amazing numbers.

So, where is the success of the BO (Binary Option) platform coming from?

There are many different factors that lead to the success of the BO (Binary Option) platform, but the most important thing still revolves around the nature of one of the inevitable financial trends:

The simpler the operation, the higher the profit rate.

Indeed, traditional trading platforms from the past, such as stock, were born so that investors could make their investment more easily than going to the market, carrying out due diligence, or a detailed evaluation to identify potential businesses as well as certain prestige and conducting other related activities before officially pouring in and waiting for profits for a long time (because no business becomes a unicorn — a billion dollars worth of business — just after one night). The whole process requires extremely complex, long-term business operations and very low profitability. Specifically, a study from Harvard University by Shikhar Ghosh revealed that ¾ businesses supported by investment funds all fail.

To save time as well as increase investment rate, people introduced financial market securities for easier investment. However, although investing in the stock market is much simpler than the previous types of investment, it is almost impossible to get a few 4 or 5 times short-term returns.

Therefore, people came up with the Forex market with the leverage tools to make that profit. Unfortunately, the Forex market is so complex that it can not reach a large number of potential users. After that, people came to cryptocurrency market — where trading is similar to stock but the rate of return can be several times higher, several dozen or even hundreds of times in a short time.

Nevertheless, the above unchanging financial trends continue to occur, because in order to trade well in the cryptocurrency market, technical analysis knowledge is needed — making it hard to achieve your profit goals. Thus, the binary option platform was launched with a simpler operation, from which to reach the customer is bigger, but the profit is still quite good to help many people realize their financial dreams — This is the reason for the success of financial MT6.

However, after many years of transformation, the financial trend has once again exploded — the simpler the operation and the higher the profit rate. Therefore, today we have a better product than any previous financial platforms, which is the MT7 Trading Platform — Progressive Trading.

  1. Simpler actions required

MT7’s ultra-simple interface provides the most down-to-earth and user-friendly experience ever on any financial platforms that’s ever been known. In addition, the trading process is minimized with only two steps: Place orders and take profits (automatically or manually), anyone with or without financial experience can begin trading on the MT7 platform and achieved profitability in just 10 seconds. As a result, the MT7 platform is reaching out to a broader set of users than older platforms.

2. Higher profits

In the MT7 platform’s progressive trading model, traders order to trade in the same cycle to share profits based on the total trading volume of all transactions executed in that cycle. Each cycle has hundreds of trades participating with different amount of investment orders that contribute to the total trading volume, allowing the total trading volume to always exceed each individual’s the trading value. The trading value curve will soon grow in a positive parabolic curve with a fast pace based on the progressive protocol. Thus, 10 to 20 times of profit in return of the placed investment is possible to achieve — making the MT7 platform the best profit rate providing platform among the world’s leading financial transaction platforms ever.

In addition to the Progress Trading of the MT7 platform itself as a product of this inevitable financial trend, the platform has been backed by other advantages to ensure its success in the short term:

3. The multi-layered system guarantees the credibility of traders in the same platform

New traders on the MT7 platform must be introduced and recognized by the current traders and the verification system to ensure the quality of the upcoming participants and maintain the security of the trading network: only the Trusted traders are chosen to fully experience the features of the MT7 trading platform to protect transparency, security and commitment to investors.

The MT7 platform is built by two extremely well-known global projects in the system of professional financial traders namedly Akasic Global and Masternet. Prior to the launch of MT7, the two teams have established a community of highly qualified and loyal investors dedicated to the projects.

And there are many other subjective and objective factors as well. However, coming here, it must be enough for you to visualize the bright future of the MT7 Trading Platform as compared to the potential and performance of the old platforms. Especially in the context of the latest platform — the MT6 platform having helped tens of millions of investors have the opportunity to liberate their lives has become saturated. So do not miss this opportunity along with the MT7 Progressive Trading platform.

In case you’re interested:

MT7 Bonus Program:

MT7 Registration Instruction:

Sign Up for Masternet:




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