Exploring the legends of Manananggal: A fierce creature of Philippine mythology

3 min readJan 25, 2023

Manananggal is a mythical creature in Philippine folklore that is said to resemble a beautiful woman by day, but at night, it separates its upper torso from its lower half and flies off to prey on unsuspecting victims. It is often depicted as a vampire-like creature that feeds on the blood of pregnant women and newborn babies.

Mananggal is said to have a long, pointed tongue that it uses to suck the blood of its victims. It is also said to have the ability to fly and to be able to detach its upper torso from its lower half. This allows it to fly into the night sky in search of its prey.

Manananggal is typically described as an older woman, often of malign intent, who can detach her upper torso from her lower half to fly into the night in search of vulnerable pregnant women, whom she feeds upon. The creature is said to have an insatiable craving for the blood of fetuses and newborns.

According to legend, the manananggal can be defeated by finding the lower half of its body and smearing it with salt, ash, or garlic, which will cause it to die. It is also said that the manananggal can be killed by a spear or sword thrust through its heart.

Manananggal is one of the most well-known creatures in Philippine folklore. It is often featured in horror stories and movies, and it continues to be a popular subject in Philippine literature and art. Manananggal is also known to be a representation of the fear of women’s independence and sexuality in Philippine culture.

The creature is also said to be a witch who is capable of transforming into a bird-like creature. In some legends, it is said that the manananggal is a cursed woman who was punished by the gods for her wickedness.

Manananggal is often associated with dark magic and is said to be a powerful witch. It is said that the manananggal can only be defeated by a powerful sorcerer or a skilled hunter.

In some versions of the legend, the Manananggal is also said to be able to shape shift into a bat, owl or a black dog, and in some cases it is said to be able to transform into a beautiful woman.

Manananggal is a staple of Philippine folklore and continues to be a popular subject in Philippine literature, art, and popular culture. The creature is often used as a symbol of fear, danger, and the unknown in Philippine society.

It is said that the Manananggal can be repelled by using certain herbs and plants, such as ginger, garlic, and holy water. Some people also believe that the Manananggal can be scared away by loud noises or by throwing salt, ash, or rice at it.

Manananggal is also said to be afraid of light, and it is said that the creature will avoid well-lit areas. This has led to the belief that the manananggal is a nocturnal creature that only comes out at night.

Despite the many tales and legends surrounding the manananggal, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of this creature. However, the manananggal continues to be a popular subject in Philippine folklore and continues to be a source of fear and fascination for many people.

