Your ultimate guide to joining the Masterpiece Studio team

Masterpiece Studio
7 min readApr 26, 2022


Our Chief of Staff shares interview tips and insider advice

If you’ve ever wondered how to get a job at Masterpiece Studio, you’ve come to the right place! In this guide to joining the team, our Chief of Staff Jen Batley outlines what it takes to secure your spot on this roster of big dreamers.

Jen joined the team after recognizing the company was at a tipping point, with social and technology trends converging to power explosive growth. Her role focuses on readying Masterpiece Studio for scale, which includes bringing in top talent.

Could you be her next hire? Let’s find out! Keep reading for key pointers that candidates should keep in mind!

Stand out from the crowd.

By Ian Crighton

Beyond hitting those core requirements for the role, a good cover letter really helps. Tell us why we should choose you! We are looking for A-players and game changers — so make sure we know that you’re the one by showing us your passion and what you can bring to the table.

Obviously, a little VR or 3D experience never hurts. If applicable, share examples of your work — particularly for the creative roles — to help the Masterpiece Studio hiring team get a sense of what you bring to the table.

When you get to the interview, make the most of it. Show the team that you care by asking thought-provoking questions, sharing things you noticed when you tried our product for yourself, and inspiring new ideas. We are always interested in new perspectives on our work, so have a voice and come prepared!

Research, research, research.

By Sam Shennan

As the saying goes, always be prepared. Learn everything you can about Masterpiece Studio and come ready to prove it! We recommend checking out our social channels (Instagram, LinkedIn) and experimenting with our VR 3D creative suite ahead of time.

Beyond that, be ready to show your personality and what makes you different! This team is focused on culture adds, which means we want to know what you’ll bring into the role when you join us.

Finally, ask yourself if you’re ready to tackle something new every day. Masterpiece Studio is building something nobody’s built before. We are working in an industry that’s evolving quickly, so it’s a great place to work for people who want to be on the cutting edge of technology, creator tools and business methods; people who aren’t just comfortable with, but thrive under continuous change and growth. If you’re energized by that kind of environment and activity, then you’re going to be happy here.

Prep for the hiring process.

By Ian Crighton

Our process is designed to remove as much bias and subjectivity as possible, and we work hard to ensure that candidates are evaluated consistently. It begins with a pre-screen, which includes checking for key qualifications, getting an early read on culture fit, and — depending on the role — asking some more technical questions. We want to understand how you approach problems and how you’ve used your skills in different situations.

Just as much, we want to understand if our values align. For example, we want people who aren’t afraid to challenge ideas and encourage debate — but we know not everyone thrives in that environment. That’s ok, but let’s learn about any disconnects early.

With a baseline understanding of what you can do and how we align, our interviews can go deeper into your experiences and capabilities. Interviews with Masterpiece Studio follow a structured series of questions, and often include multiple team members. For some of our most specialized roles, a successful interview will lead to a skills assessment in the form of a short take-home project.

Go beyond technical knowledge.

By Ian Crighton

The Masterpiece Studio team is more than just a technical team. We are looking for people who have a growth mindset and are curious and open to new ideas. The ideal candidate has strong opinions that are founded on data, but is willing to change their mind when new information is presented. It’s about having a willingness to explore the boundaries, which is what we’re doing as a company.

Collaboration and the ability to ask for help are highly valued at Masterpiece Studio, and accountability, integrity, and trust are key. You will be successful if you’re aligned with our mission and put the team first — yet aren’t afraid to respectfully challenge the status quo.

Expect a few surprises.

By Ian Crighton

Some of our newer team members were surprised by the level of support and guidance that the Masterpiece Studio team offers, as it was different from what they’d experienced at other companies. Here, we stand by our collaborative approach because we’re all learning something new. We believe in pitching in and lifting each other up as we figure out the answers together.

Others are surprised to learn how long we have been around. Masterpiece Studio has been working in this space for more than 7 years. And although we’re small, we stand with giants, partnering with some of the biggest players in tech. We were built for this ‘metaverse moment’. This is our time.

Oh, and when we say we’re remote, we really mean it! It might be a new concept for some companies, but Masterpiece Studio doesn’t have a physical office… although we do stay connected in the virtual realm and get the team together outside of VR!

Know your top 3 dos and don’ts.

By Ian Crighton
  1. DO: familiarize yourself with the job description.

You’re going to be asked questions that tie back to the job description, so make sure you’re familiar with the role and its requirements. If you have questions about it, don’t hesitate to raise your hand!

2. DO: share examples that showcase your skills.

Whether that’s projects that you’ve worked on or specific stories that relate to an interview question, the more descriptive you can be, the better. We want to know how you’ve contributed to projects and the outcomes that you’ve helped create!

3. DO: demonstrate your capacity for learning.

Masterpiece Studio is solving problems and building things that nobody thought possible. Working with us means learning new things every day, so make sure to emphasize your curious side. Tell us how you stay current about your area of expertise. Have you taught yourself a new skill? Share how you did it, and why.

1. DON’T: feel like you need an answer for every single question.

We know nobody’s an expert at everything, especially in a field as innovative as ours — so if you don’t know something, be honest about your skills and experience. Remember, integrity is key.

2. DON’T: forget the basics.

We don’t want the interview to be a waste of anyone’s time: ours or yours. To be respectful of that time, make sure your camera’s working, check that we can see you clearly, and bring some energy so that we can get a sense of who you are!

3. DON’T: be intimidated.

We’re a company that believes in data and trusts it to guide our growth — and that extends to our hiring process. In our structured interview process we bring multiple people to the table and follow a specific interview guide to remove as much bias as possible. We understand having a few new faces in the (virtual) room can be intimidating for some people, but try to relax. We’re friendly and really want to get to know you for you!

So, are you the dream candidate?

By Jorda Moldes

We’re looking for A players, game-changers, dreamers and doers. We’re designing the future, so we want people who are at the top of their game. Our dream candidate is rational in their ideas, passionate about debating them, and focused on getting to the best outcomes.

We need a balance of technical and creative skills — people who can do the job, but who will also think creatively to push the job’s limits. Essentially, we’re looking for someone who has the courage to speak up and the humility to adapt when things change, because when it comes to the future of 3D content creation, constant change is guaranteed.


Take your career to a new dimension with our rapidly growing team!

Working for Masterpiece Studio means building the future — the projects you will work on here will be ones you won’t want to stop talking about, researching, and exploring every chance you get.

If you’re interested in living on the cutting edge of tech, art, and business theory, joining our Talent Network is a great way to learn more about the new digital world, to get to know our brilliant team and to stay on the pulse of Masterpiece Studio news and job opportunities.

