10 Reasons Why Business Cards are Important in the Digital Age

Masterpiece Web
5 min readAug 23, 2017


By Allan Diaz — Finance Director & Senior Copywriter at Masterpiece Web

Every now and then you’ll hear some inexperienced techie tell you something like, “Dude, you don’t need a freakin’ business card. We’re not cavemen… we have technology!” Your amateur friend over there might be a computer genius, but he doesn’t have the slightest idea what it takes to network like a pro.

If you’ve ever been to a serious networking event, you know that traditional business cards dominate over any electronic form of exchanging information. Let’s take a quick look at why your wallet sized piece of card stock is superior.

1. It makes a GREAT first impression.

Whether you’re meeting your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s parents for the first time or you’ve found yourself in a job interview, first impressions are important. You want the person you’re meeting to not only remember you, but develop a favorable perception of you and your business. A well printed business card with the relevant contact information demonstrates both professionalism and credibility. You want the person to keep you in the back of their mind long after you meet, so including a photo of yourself on your business card might be a good idea.

2. It establishes your brand.

You might think of ‘branding’ as a typical marketing buzzword. The truth is its effect on your business plays a huge role in its success. Business cards can help establish that brand identity you’re looking for by including distinctive elements such as your company logo, tag line, colors, and design. You can even have unique card shapes and textures to stand out more like the one you see below. Make sure your card fits in a wallet, though.

MarketData Direct & Digital

3. It’s easy to carry around.

If you think about it, a business card is even more portable than a phone. At a mere 3.5 x 2 inches and no thickness (well, generally around 0.010–0.012 inches according to BusinessCards.org), a business card fits in your wallet, letting you take it anywhere you go. A small stack of cards could fit in your front pocket anytime you’re going to a networking event, too. I always have a few of my cards on me with no bulk at at.

4. It’s cheap to print.

Keeping expenses at low costs is valuable in any business venture. Business cards are an inexpensive marketing and networking tool that can get your name out there with little capital. Countless printing companies, online or local, can print a descent number of cards for a few bucks. With that, you’ll have mini ads in your pocket for months!

5. It gets others to market for you.

The information exchange doesn’t end once you trade business cards with someone. You’re giving them a physical piece of your brand that they can share with others in their network. They’d be more willing to market your business if given a card than if you merely exchanged your phone numbers and emails. Those stay right in their phone where you’ll be forgotten within a week. Don’t let them forget you… get a business card and have others network for you.

6. It’s quicker than pulling out your phone and opening an app.

Standing in a group of 10 people might be loud and convoluted. Imagine having everyone there meet with you and pull out their phone to jot down your contact information. That’s both annoying and ineffective. Taking advantage of the limited time you have with these people is easy with a business card. Tell them your name, tell them what you do, hand them the card, and boom. It’s as quick and simple as that.

7. ‘Dumb’ phones are becoming popular again.

Some people are sick of how technology has consumed their everyday lives. For that reason, they’re switching over to what’s known as dumb phones. All they can record on these things is your name and number. There’s no special business card apps, no description or notes, no brand identity — nothing. Without a business card, all you can do is hope they’ll remember you in their endless list of generic contacts. These people aren’t a myth — they DO exist and you WILL meet them.

8. It has an endless power supply and doesn’t rely on cell towers.

Have you ever found yourself in search of a wall outlet for electricity or curling up next to windows to find a phone signal? I can promise you we’ve all been there. The wonderful thing about paper is that it doesn’t need any charging to use. You also don’t need to stand in a specific spot for it to function. Business cards are here, existing in the real world. Sounds kind of beautiful if you ask me.

9. Staring down at your phone and typing can be rude.

Remember that whole first impression thing? Coming off as an ill-mannered jerk doesn’t help a whole lot with that. Everyone’s always complaining about giving your phone all your attention in social settings — and they’re right. That’s not something you want to bring to the networking scene. Don’t panic about others having the same contact sharing app as you. Hand them your card and ask for theirs.

10. Others can still digitize your information.

Some people love having their whole life on their electronic pocket screen. If that’s the case, leave it up to them. Phone applications like Evernote can take photos of any business cards collected and keep them all in one place. What matters is that they get your information and remember you.

What I’m trying to tell you is to ignore that techie friend of yours. Hand him your business card and tell him to call you once he finds some leads for his freelance web development gig. Don’t worry, he’s got this.

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