Cloud Based Services #cloudcomputing

Master raj
7 min readSep 14, 2023


The act of employing a network of remote servers housed on the Internet to store, manage, and process data instead of a local server or a personal computer is known as cloud computing. Companies that provide these kinds of cloud computing services are known as cloud providers, and they often bill customers depending on consumption. Cloud computing is built around grids and clusters.

Types of Cloud Computing

Most cloud computing services fall into five broad categories:

  1. Software as a service (SaaS)
  2. Platform as a service (PaaS)
  3. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
  4. Anything/Everything as a service (XaaS)
  5. Function as a Service (FaaS)

These are also sometime called as cloud computing stack bcs they are built of one another.

Software as a Service(SaaS)

Definition: SaaS is a cloud computing model where software applications are provided over the internet on a subscription basis. In this model, the software is hosted and maintained by a third-party provider, and users access it through a web browser, eliminating the need for users to install and manage the software on their local devices.

now lets understand this by REAL LIFE SCENARIO

Let’s consider a real-life scenario of a small business called “MasterRaj Bookstore.” MasterRaj Bookstore wants to modernize its operations and provide online sales to its customers. However, they don’t have the resources or expertise to develop and maintain an e-commerce platform themselves.

SaaS Scenario:

MasterRaj Bookstore subscribes to a SaaS e-commerce platform such as Shopify. With this SaaS solution:

  1. Access to Software: MasterRaj Bookstore can access a fully functional e-commerce website through a web browser without the need for any installation or local infrastructure.
  2. Maintenance: The e-commerce platform is hosted and maintained by Shopify. This includes software updates, security patches, and server management. MasterRaj Bookstore doesn’t need an IT team for this.
  3. Scalability: As MasterRaj Bookstore grows, they can easily upgrade their subscription to accommodate more products, customers, and features.

Platform as a Service (PaaS):

Definition: PaaS is a cloud computing model that provides a platform with tools and services for application development, deployment, and management. It abstracts the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on coding and application logic.

Continuation of the Scenario in PaaS:

As MasterRaj Bookstore’s online sales grow, they realize they want to customize their e-commerce platform further, including developing unique features and integrations. This is where PaaS comes into play.

PaaS Scenario:

MasterRaj Bookstore decides to build custom functionalities for their e-commerce website. They choose a PaaS provider like Heroku or Google App Engine. In this scenario:

  1. Development Tools: MasterRaj Bookstore gets access to development tools and resources provided by the PaaS, including databases, application servers, and APIs.
  2. Coding and Customization: Their development team can focus on coding the custom features they need for their e-commerce site without worrying about infrastructure management.
  3. Deployment and Scaling: The PaaS platform handles deployment, scaling, and load balancing automatically. MasterRaj Bookstore can easily deploy new code updates without dealing with server configurations.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

Definition: IaaS is a cloud computing model that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. It offers scalable and on-demand infrastructure, including virtual machines, storage, and networking.

Continuation of the Scenario in IaaS:

As MasterRaj Bookstore continues to grow, they want more control over their infrastructure and need to support complex integrations and backend processes.

IaaS Scenario:

MasterRaj Bookstore decides to move towards more granular control of their e-commerce platform by adopting an IaaS solution like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure. In this scenario:

  1. Virtualized Infrastructure: They can provision virtual machines, storage, and networking resources from their chosen IaaS provider.
  2. Customization: MasterRaj Bookstore has complete control over the operating system, software stack, and configurations of their virtual machines. This allows them to run custom applications and integrations.
  3. Scalability: They can scale resources up or down as needed to accommodate fluctuations in demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency.
As Now You have reached so far see this and you will get things cristal clear

In summary, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS represent different levels of cloud computing services, each offering a specific set of features and benefits. The choice between them depends on the organization’s needs and the level of control and customization required.

Now About Two Extra Services

XaaS (Anything as a Service):

Definition: XaaS is a broader concept that encompasses various cloud computing services delivered over the internet. It refers to the idea that virtually any technology or service can be provided as a service, leveraging the cloud model for delivery.

Continuation of the Scenario with XaaS:

As MasterRaj Bookstore continues to evolve its digital presence and explores new opportunities, they decide to leverage XaaS to access specialized services that can enhance their online business operations.

XaaS Scenario:

  1. Analytics as a Service: MasterRaj Bookstore subscribes to Analytics as a Service (AaaS) to gain valuable insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and inventory management. They use a cloud-based analytics platform that provides real-time data analysis and reporting.
  2. Security as a Service: Recognizing the importance of security, MasterRaj Bookstore adopts Security as a Service (SecaaS) to protect their e-commerce platform from cyber threats. This service includes features like firewall management, intrusion detection, and regular security updates.
  3. Machine Learning as a Service: To personalize customer experiences and optimize their product recommendations, MasterRaj Bookstore employs Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS). They use cloud-based machine learning models to analyze customer preferences and provide tailored product suggestions.

FaaS (Function as a Service):

Definition: FaaS is a serverless computing model where developers can deploy individual functions or units of code in response to specific events or triggers without managing the underlying infrastructure. It’s ideal for executing small, event-driven tasks.

Continuation of the Scenario with FaaS:

MasterRaj Bookstore aims to streamline its e-commerce operations further by automating certain tasks and improving customer interactions.

FaaS Scenario:

  1. Checkout Process Optimization: MasterRaj Bookstore deploys a serverless function using FaaS to optimize the checkout process. This function triggers when a customer initiates a purchase and automatically calculates applicable discounts, taxes, and shipping costs based on the customer’s location and order details.
  2. Inventory Management: To keep track of inventory levels in real-time, MasterRaj Bookstore utilizes FaaS to update product availability. Whenever a product is purchased, a serverless function updates the inventory database, ensuring accurate stock information for customers.
  3. Customer Engagement: MasterRaj Bookstore deploys serverless functions to automate customer engagement. For example, they send personalized thank-you emails to customers after their purchases or generate automated responses to frequently asked questions on their website chat.

Incorporating XaaS and FaaS into their cloud infrastructure, MasterRaj Bookstore gains flexibility and agility, allowing them to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and customer demands. These cloud services enhance their overall e-commerce experience and enable them to focus on their core business functions while leveraging specialized services and event-driven automation.

Ok So Thats It for This Blog i hope you liked My BookStore come back again to read some more good stuff If you have not seen my Last Blog on Cloud have a look here

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -The End — — — — — — — — — — — — —

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Master raj

Certified MERN Stack Developer from Infosys, now sharing expertise on #InCloudByRK. Proficient in MERN Stack, AWS, GCP, Azure DevOps. Let's level up!