Top 6 Most Popular API Architecture Styles🕱

Master raj
3 min readJun 27, 2023


️SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol):

⭐. Designed for exchanging structured information in web services.

⭐. Uses XML for message format and HTTP for transport

⭐. Supports various protocols such as SMTP,HTTP,and more.

⭐.Offers extensive built-in error handling and security features.

⭐. Provides a standard way to define and describe APIs with WSDL(web services Description Language).

Rest The restful 💀

RESTful (representational State Transfer)

🌟. Based on set of architectural principles for building scalable web services.

🌟. Utilizes HTTP methods like GET,POST,PUT,DELETE to perform operations on resources.

🌟. Employs lightweight data formats like JSON or XML for data exchange.

🌟. Emphasizes stateless communication between client and server.

🌟. know for its simplicity,flexibility,and compatibility with various programming languages and platforms.

Time is Wealth


💫. Developed by facebook, GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing queries.

💫.Enables clients to request only the specific data they need, reducing network overhead.

💫.Offers a hierarchical approach to query data,allowing complex data retrieval in a single request.

💫. Provides a strongly types schema, making it easier to understand and evolve APIs.

💫.Supports real-time updates through subscriptions,enabling reactive and interactive applications.

gRPC (Google remote Procedure call):

✨. A high-performance, open source framework developed by google.

✨. Enables communication between distributed systems using remote procedure calls.

✨. uses protocol buffers(protobuf) as the interface definition language for efficient data serialization.

✨. Supports multiple programming language and platforms,including Java,C++,python, and more

✨. Provides features like bidirectional streaming, flow control,and authentication, amking it deal for microservices architectures.


⚝. Offers full-duplex communication between client and server over a single, long-lived connection.

⚝. Allows real-time, event-driven communication, suitable for applications requiring frequent data updates.

⚝. Provides low letency and high throughput compared to traditional HTTP-based approaches.

⚝. Supports two-way communications,enabling server-initiated updates.

⚝.widely used in chat applications, collaborative tools,and real-time dashboards.


⛺. A mechanism that allows applications to receive real-time notifications or data updates.

⛺. involves setting up HTTP callbacks, where the server sends data to a predefined URL endpoint.

⛺. Enables event-driven architecture, triggering actions based on specific events or chnages.

⛺. Provides flexibility by allowing developers to define custom endpoints and payloads.

⛺. widely used for integrating third-party services, automating workflows, and building event-driven systems.

— — — — — — — — — — — The End — — — — — — — — — — — —

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Master raj

Certified MERN Stack Developer from Infosys, now sharing expertise on #InCloudByRK. Proficient in MERN Stack, AWS, GCP, Azure DevOps. Let's level up!