What is WebRTC? Benefits and Features of WebRTC

Master Software Solutions
2 min readJul 6, 2022

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a technology that allows Web applications and sites to capture and optionally stream audio and/or video media, as well as exchange arbitrary data between browsers without the need for a third party. WebRTC is a set of standards that enables peer-to-peer data sharing and teleconferencing without requiring the user to install plug-ins or other third-party software.

WebRTC is made up of several interconnected APIs and protocols that work together to achieve this. The documentation provided here will assist you in understanding the fundamentals of WebRTC, as well as how to set up and use both data and media connections.

Benefits of Webrtc

When one considers the benefits that WebRTC provides to both users and developers, it is easy to understand the hype surrounding it. WebRTC is an appealing technology option due to its open source nature, low latency, and interoperability:

  • Delivery and networking with low latency
  • Independence from platform and device
  • It’s a free and open technology.
  • Sharing a screen
  • Multi-user video conferencing that runs smoothly

Features of Webrtc

With all of the hype surrounding WebRTC, it must provide capabilities that are far beyond our current communications and collaboration environment. WebRTC has advantages that propel it beyond today’s VoIP and video systems. Even if you dismiss some of the following Five benefits, many are worthwhile to consider.

  • It is completely free.
  • Independence from platform and device
  • Voice and video encryption
  • Superior voice and video quality
  • Establishment of a dependable session

To conclude, The idea around WebRTC and what you can use it for are limitless. So go on — start building whatever you want to develop! Contact us, If you need to hire WebRTC developers at an affordable price.



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