How to use “Remember the Milk” to get a GTD system in 10 easily steps… for free

Davide Mastromatteo
7 min readJun 28, 2018

If you are following me on Medium, you are probabilly wondering why I have decided to write something not related to Python and programming as I usually do.

The easy answer is that the best programming language in the world can’t make you productive just by itself.

You do need something more.

I’ve been a GTD enthusiast for a while now and I want to share with you something about the way I use this methodology.

Please note: this article has not been sponsored by David Allen, his organization or the “Remember the milk” website.

Not yet at least… :)

What is GTD?

GTD is an acronym for “Getting Things Done”. It’s one of the most popular productivity methods in use today… and one of the most “forked” to use an IT term. :)

This article is not intended to explain the full GTD methodology; I am assuming that you already know GTD and how it works. However, if you don’t, there are tons of free tutorials and resources on the web about GTD and all its clone (like ztd and…



Davide Mastromatteo

Developer and editor of "the Python corner". Apple user, Python and Swift addicted. NFL, Rugby and Chess lover. Constantly hungry and foolish.