What happened to the old free credit report band?

21 min readMar 10, 2019

What happened to the old free credit report band?

I know we all know freecreditreport.com” commercials. I love the new band I just want to know what happened to the old one. :)”

Answer : I recommend you to try this website where you can compare from different companies: https://tinyurl.com/y2so54xz .

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“”After 15 yrs, must I not check box that saysyes my history is clear of bankruptcy”””” on a credit card applicato?””””””
I’ve since married(husband has excellent credit) I have credit cards that I was approved for online without having to fill out all info and one was store card I applied for to get mchdse discount and ended up qualifying for the better store name Visa card so I assume my credit’s good. I pay full balance when there is one. Now this online credit card app wants me to check this box saying my history clear of bankruptcy”””” That seems it can go either way. Maybe I don’t have to admit to it because it is technically clear of bankruptcy after 15 years””
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Free Annual Credit Report… Chapter 7 possible removal?
So here is my story. I filed for Chapter 7 I believe back in 2001 or 2002. It was a horrible experience and probably lowest point in my life! Since then, I’ve slowly and gradually just paid my bills on time and just bottom line, learn from my horrible mistake and move on. Just the other day, I proposed to my girlfriend, BOY was that nerve wrecking! But I can’t believe I actually took that huge gigantic step. BTW… she did say YES”””” :) Since it’s only been a day or so””
“”What is the purpose of having Good”””” credit or credit at all?””””

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How long did each step take for you? I hired him in March,paid him in full,completed all the necessary steps including the online class and gave him all my documents.I called and they claim they are short on the staff drawing up the petitions.Is this a normal amount of time to wait for a filing? I’m starting to feel taken advantage of considering I already paid him.””
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I didn’t purposely put myself in debt. My mother had major heart surgery, and I was paying all her bills and my bills, and resorted to using credit cards. my credit card debt isn’t huge, but it isn’t small either (it was 10k a year and a half ago). with the monthly payments i cut the bill in half. the only luxury i have in my cell, and its for emergency purposes only. besides her survivor’s benefits (which i don’t touch) i have my income. the apt is in need in repair and my super gives me broken promises, and the landlord doesn’t help either. I don’t even want a large loan; i’m talking about $1000, which i know i could pay back. between helping my mother with her bills, and my bills, my paycheck is nearly gone””

Does anyone know of a reputable mortgage company for someone with less than perfect credit?
The bankruptcy does still come up whenever I apply for anything because it hasn’t been quite ten years until late 2011. This house has come available. I’m renting it right now, but I was offered it by my landlords as long as I could get financing. They wanted to give me first choice. I love it here and don’t want to move and uproot my 6 boys.””


“”When filing for Bankruptcy 7, when are you suppose to reaffirm your car loan, if you are going to?””
I forgot to ask this to my lawyer and now all I can talk to is a paraleagal and she confused me. She said I can’t contact any of my creditors once I file for bankruptcy, but when if I wan’t to reaffirm my loan for my car, I have to call my creditor and set it up. She said the lawyer doesn’t do it for you, that I would have to do it myself, but then she said I am not allowed to call any of my creditors, so I am really confused. When and how am I suppose to do this?””
“What happened to the old free credit report band?

I know we all know freecreditreport.com” commercials. I love the new band I just want to know what happened to the old one. :)”

Can i pay credit card bill with credit card?
Please specify how to do that?. is there any website to do the same?.
How can i go about clearing up stuff that is on my credit report?
if it has been close to 7 years will it drop on the 7th yr or will it drop of on the 7th year after it has been paid?

I just filled Bankruptcy 2 months ago.?
I was going to keep my Doublewide but I decide no a couple of days ago because its not worth what I owe on it so I am no going to reaffirm and not pay rent for Nov. How many days I have to get out and I have 2 small children. Is it 90 or less
My fiance & I are non-working law students and want to purchase a home/condo. Who might lend us the money?
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I need to obtain a 50k personal loan how or where do I go to get it?
I am younger and I have many students loans so I am afraid that lenders won’t give me the amount needed due to my age and amount of debt I already have. I desperately need this money. So if I cannot get a loan what other resources could I use to get the amount needed? Any information that anyone has would be greatly appreciated, I desperately need these funds.””
“”If I file chapter 7 bankruptcy, can they take my business assets?””
I have a lot of credit card debt, I’m about to be foreclosed on my primary home, I have a mountain of medical bills. I also have a sole proprietor business and a second home that was rented until recently. If I file Chapter 7, can they take my second home and my business away?””
Can debt keep me from getting certain jobs in the Navy?
I talked to a recruiter about joining the Navy and I can’t seem to get a straight answer. I have horrible credit and a lot in collections. I do however, have a secret clearance that I obtained a couple years ago. I would really like to get into the Nuclear program if possible. I scored a 92 on my ASVAB and have no other legal issues. Would I be able to get in if I file for bankruptcy? Or would it be better to get a debt consolidation loan so that way everything is out of collections by the time I enlist.””
How does your credit score drop from 767 to 652 in 3 months?
i went to purchase a 370z nismo from nissan in december, and my credit score was 767 at that time. yesturday, i went to get a 7700 dollar load and i got declined because my credit score was 652. i make 300–500 credit card payments every month, and i never had a late payment ever. so i am just shocked right now on what happened to my credit all of a sudden. what is the best way to find out what happened exactly. i heard if you make lets say 2000 a month and you have 1800 of credit card balance, your credit score goes down…….””

“”My credit Score is 754 and it shows me my Grade as C””””””””””
Im Wondering whether 754 is a good Credit score or not, if yes, why it is showing my Grade as C i checked in Transunion credit burea what is the difference between Score and Grades? Is my score a really good one? Can anyone Let me know. thanks””
How to get my credit history report for free?
I have bad credit and need to know everyone whom turned me into collections so I can restore my credit.I went to experian,Equifax,and transunion but they told me that they couldn’t give me any info.How do i find out who all the creditors i owe money to. also how do i get my credit score for free.without having to sign up for something.help””
“”I need to cancel a Juniper credit card, but their customer service is terrible. They are a scam. Any phone#?””
I tried 4 different phone #s, all of which claimed they couldn’t hear me””””….this is ridiculous! I should have done my research before I applied….read reviews and turns out they have scammed tons of people. Please help! I don’t know how to cancel a credit card I never received…how do I deal with this scam??!””””””
How can I file bankruptcy when I don’t have enough to pay the attorney and make too much to take legal aide TX?
Bankruptcy or not to bankruptcy is not the question…its about how to pay for bankruptcy.
I am considering bankruptcy…?
I am 25 years old and completely ruined my credit when I was 21. I think that bankruptcy would be the best option for me, but Im concerned that I will no longer qualify for federal student loans (stafford loans). Is this true?””
All of the following can help you avoid credit card fraud EXCEPT:?
A.shredding expired cards and old statements B.protecting your Social Security number C.giving credit card account numbers over the Internet on sites that are not secure D.checking your credit report periodically
Does using Cash advance to make Part payment for housing loan help?
I got an offer for cash advance of Rs66000( 8.5% flat,48 EMIs @ 1843 a month). Please help in making a decision. Does it make sense to use this money to make a part payment for H.Loan(I have 6.4 lakh as outstanding) of 10.5%. My latest month 7214 EMI had interest of Rs. 5427 & principal of Rs.1787. Please help in making a numerically provable decision.””
Credit repair/budget assistance?
I want to get my life in order, but my finances are a mess. Can anyone refer me to a good, cheap (free would be best!) service that will help me figure out who I owe money to, and how I can pay them all off? I need help with a budget. Thanks in advance!””
I was approved for a 72-month auto loan with simple interest at 9.9%…?

Anyone know any good places for loans without credit/bank account?

How to pay off my debt from collections?
Ok, I have about $10k-$15k worth of debt that has gone to collections. I have moved several times and changed phone numbers to escape the calls and bills. Now i feel like it’s time to get ahead of it. If I get a credit report, it’ll come back with a list of debts, but will it give me numbers to call to contact someone about settling the debts? What about bankruptcy? My wife and I are starting a Property Management company in 2 years after schooling and training. Should I work on paying it off or file for bankruptcy???””
Has anyone filed Bankruptcy on their own without a lawyer?
If so, did it go well?””
E-loan an oline lending service recently offered 36-month auto loans at 4.2% compounded monthly to applicants?
E-loan an oline lending service recently offered 36-month auto loans at 4.2% compounded monthly to applicants with good credit ratings. If I have a good credit rating and can afford monthly paymenys of 572 how much can I borrow from elone. what is the total interest I willpay for this loan.
Can I get a cash advance from my Sears Mastercard without a pin#?

“”Auto loan… how much is monthly payment for 10,000?… etc…?””
Looking into buying a new (used) car. Talking about financing… I’ve been given these numbers, but I’m not quite sure how they were derived. If I finance 8000 for 48 months, the payment would be 186/mo. 8000 for 60 months, 153/mo. 12000 for 48 months, 278/mo, 12000 for 60 months, 230/mo., and 13000 for 60 months, 248/mo. Now, the question is… what is the interest rate they are using in these calculations, and how would I go about finding what 10000 for 48 & 60 months would be? And if I choose 60 months, but am able to pay a little extra each month… can the car be paid off faster and cheaper. Or should I just go with 48 months? For example, if I finance 12000 at 60 months, can I just make a payment of 250 or so, allowing me to pay off the car slightly faster? This will save me some in interest, right?””
“What happened to the old free credit report band?

I know we all know freecreditreport.com” commercials. I love the new band I just want to know what happened to the old one. :)”

Applacation for a Wallmart Credit card online?
Im tring to find out how to apply for a Wallmart credit card on line .

Question about filing for bankruptcy?
-Have owned a franchisee for 2 years (it’s a corporation, INC) -Have maxed one credit card under the business name (which is also personally guaranteed) -Have borrowed money from personal credit cards -Owe Employee, Sales and Quarterly Taxes -Owe Royalties -I am one month behind on lease -I can’t run the business anymore and I am completely out of money to try to recover. Every day the business is open is putting me more in debt. I don’t want to fall behind on payroll. I spoke to personal Bankruptcy lawyer. He suggested to either file for personal bankruptcy since the business credit card is also personally guaranteed (so all the business debts will roll over to personal anyway) and involve my spouse. The lease of the shop is under the Franchisor name. I am just a subleasor. We are doing the paperwork now. Can I just close the shop down starting January 1, 2008? to avoid getting more in debt? What are your opinions? What are the pros and cons of this? thank you for your help!””
How does fiscal policy affect interest rate?
How does this cause crowing out?
Why is my Experian credit score different when checked on 2 different websites on the same day?
I recently took out an auto loan and am soon applying for a business loan so I figured its time I reviewed my credit scores, which I usually do twice a year. (When they checked my credit at the dealership the guy told me it came back 810, but I don’t know which credit bureau they used so I won’t use it as a base of comparison). The first site i went to was triplecreditscore.com powered by creditreport.com, thinking I would see all three scores on the free trial, but they only showed my Experian score, which they show as 793. Wanting to see my other scores I went to freescore.com and started a free trial with them. This was literally 30 minutes later and they show my Experian score as 761 (the other 2 scores it shows are within a few points of this). I guess my question is how can a score from the same bureau come back with 2 different scores, 32 points apart on the same day?””
Can I return my car that’s under a loan?
His I’m Chris 20 years old . I bought my car about last year in January for 21k i refinanced in July . I pay about 350 for a Volkswagen CC . I want to start start investing into real eastate but all these bills are holding me back for saving up . In bout to just call the dealer n tell then to pick it up

What all can potentially get liquidated in ch.7 bankruptcy?
I know it can liquidate your home property. Anything else? Thanks!

Who is your favorite commercial person?
Who is your favorite commercial person? Dennis Haysbert (Allstate Insurance) Wendy The Snapple Lady”””” (Snapple Natural Beverages) Flo (Progressive Insurance) Cavemen (Geico Insurance) Eric Violette (freecreditreport.com) Gecko (Geico Insurance) Kristen Swanson (RoomStore) or Other (Who is the person/ What commerical is it)””””””
I need to contact private money lender in northern ireland?




What happens if I don’t pay my payday loan? Will I go to jail? I am thinking of closing my account.?
What the payday loan place does is they ask for three checks so if you don’t pay them they take it automatically out of your account. Then they asked for my fingerprint. Why they do that I don’t know..I do not have the money to pay them so I am wondering If I just close my account what will happen.
Whats the difference between the deed on a house and the mortgage loan on a house?
And can a deed and loan on a home be under seperate names?
How often do auto loan interest rates change?Rolling 6G negative equity into new loan/ Best trade in value.?
When I got my auto, I had good credit, interest rates were low-6.9% Now my credit isnt good, I relied on credit cards to help me out & I am going to get approved for auto loan, but the int. rate is 17.9%. How long after improving my credit will it take to get a good score again? Could I refinance my auto loan in 3 months if I pay down on cards (I’m owed quite a bit of money for being a subcontractor — just not sure when”””” it’s going to be paid). If everyone paid what they owe me today””
“”I just tried to get my credit report from annualcreditreport.com, and I screwed up on the security question…?
How can I just get a free credit report…fast. I want to start fixing my credit. Can I just go to a bank and get it? Or do I have to do it on line or through snail mail?
Moved out of state on a defaulted auto loan. Theft?
So a friend of mine used me as a reference on her auto loan (without my permission) and the bank that financed the car called me today and said that she hadn’t been making the payments and the loan was in default. (Thankfully I didn’t co-sign.) Here’s the thing. She moved out of state, all the way across the country. (From Utah to Maine) I doubt the bank is going to go all the way to Maine to repo the car, and I’m sure she isn’t going to drive all the way back to turn it in. Will they consider the car stolen? I’m sure she’ll get flagged if she goes to do her yearly registration. She has changed her phone number also, so they have no way to contact her.””
Is 7.9% a good apr for a 10k auto loan?
I was approved for a used auto loan at 7.9%. Is that any good for a 3 year old credit history?
Are age verification sites a scam?

What is EBT Cash for?
@ geminigirl: I dont know if thought I am but im not if you thought I was. lol. I know there are people who really use it for purposes intended. But when I ask customers what they have going on this evening and they say they are personally going to the bar or club it gets pretty irritating. Great answer though thank you for your time!!!

Does anyone know any website were i can view my credit score for free?


“What happened to the old free credit report band?

I know we all know freecreditreport.com” commercials. I love the new band I just want to know what happened to the old one. :)”



How do i cancel a credit card application online?
i got a notice saying ive been approved for $1500. im working on trying to build my crddit. so i went online and sign up to increase my credit. i have a Capital One card. i sign up and then saw the letter was from Credit One. not Capital One. fux i dont want credit one so how do i cancel?
What is the best online loan company?
i am looking for an online loan company to get about a $1500 loan for a car that im wanting, what is the best site to use that’s not a scam or going to charge me a lot of interest?””
“”How to withdraw cash with my Wells Fargo Debit Card in Bangkok, Thailand?

Carrying a small balance on unsecured cards to help FICO score…?
Hi all! I’m trying to improve my credit scores (avg. FICO 570) with a few unsecured cards (Target, Orchard Bank MC, etc). Of course, interest is high on balances, so my question is: should I pay off each balance monthly or leave a small balance, say $50 carried over, to show I can manage the debt responsibly. Pay off or leave a little each month? Thanks in advance. -David””
How long it take to get my bankruptcy discharge paper?
i went to bankruptcy court on september 22 and everything went ok but i am wondering how long it take to get my discharge paper mt atorny said i will get it on nov 22 but is it 100% i will get it on nov 22 and should i start building my credit now or i wait till my discharge paper arrive?
How will bankruptcy filed after divorce affect the division of 401k?
My husband is planning on filing for bankruptcy after divorce. How will this affect the outcome of division of 401k. Also does anyone know how to find hidden assests without money. He has hidden bank accounts and stocks and I have no idea how to find them. I’m in Texas

Whats the most efficient way of improving your credit?
I have my credit report, and intend to pay the accounts in collection. Should I start with the newest ones first? And once I pay the collection agency will it come off the report? Can I negotiate lower payoffs, if so, How? I really want to improve my score in a year!””
I have a durable POA for my mother. She has dementia and has high credit card bills. Can I file bankruptcy?

How do landlords profit with high mortgage?
I’m looking into buying a residential investment property. I used an online mortgage calculator, and I typed in: $225,000 (cost of house), monthly payments, 2% interest rate (what I deemed reasonable), and an amortization period of 25 years. The result was a monthly payment of $967. Then a landlord would have to make the tenant cover bills. And then there are unexpected costs (plumbing for example). What would be the ideal monthly rent? Were there any faults in what I put in the calculator? Is it realistic to ask for $967+bills+unexpected costs+profit from a tenant per month?””
Does the initial need for a payday loan out weight the long term cost of that loan?
This question has nothing to do with needing money, it is only a question of money and its affects when you are in need. Not to have offers of cheap rates or loans.””
How much debt do you have?
Tigg, although I am ashamed to say that we borrow, we do borrow wisely! Thankfully, all our debt is interest free””
Quicken Mortgage Loans? Ever heard of or done one?
My husband and I are very seriously thinking about refinancing our current mortgage through Quicken Loans (online). What do you know about this company? Have you ever financed through it? I haven’t really heard anything bad about them… I just haven’t heard anything at all.. which concerns me. My husband foolishly says, no news is good news…”””” Is he right? Tell me what you know!!! Please help this newlywed couple out!!””””””
Will I get a Refund After Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Filing?
My husband declared bankruptcy in 2009 and I am curious what that will do to his refund. I am trying to figure out if we need to file separately or jointly.
How long does it typically take to complete a chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Nevada, if it matters….””
Can I get approved for a Va loan with a 615 middle score?
I am a jr and my fathers bankruptcy and tax liens are on my credit. I am trying to get that fixed now. The problem is I will be on my way home from Afghanistan in 4 months and my wife and I are trying to buy a home. This mortgage broker I was working with said she can not do a thing until my middle score goes to a 620. Is that true? Or is there something else I can do besides waiting for my dads negative info to come off my report? Maybe a bank who will work with a 615?
“”I am in serous debt on my auto loan, almost a repo. But I need a car, what are some good options?

Has anyone with bad credit used an online service for an auto loan?
I was looking at a few (car.com, carloan.com, driverapproval.com etc.) where they send your information to lenders/dealers. Has anyone had any good or bad experiences with any of them?””
How do i reinstate my CA drivers license with bankruptcy?
I got a fix it ticket for having no proof on insurance and soon after the ticket there were some events that happened such as losing my job and then having to move and during the move i lost the ticket and because it was just a fix it ticket, it slipped my mind. It turned into a collections debt but i recently just finished filing bankruptcy and i heard that its possible to reinstate my license with my bankruptcy and was wondering if anyone knew the steps to doing this. I live in california and the only thing i know is that the DMV cant take the bankruptcy papers straight from me they said that it had to be faxed or something. Im not too sure cause the woman that helped me wasnt all too sure either””

I need a loan for a car around 4000 i live in WI?
i have a good credit score and i am 19 turning 20 in winter and im looking to buying a used car do you think i can get a loan at a bank and it will work out
What happens if you are 1 day late on your credit card payment?
Does it get reported to the credit agencies (equifax/transunion/experian)? I also had other late payments in the past for 1–2 days…but never over 90 days…..i’d say i’d been late about 3 times with a 1–2 day late period….will this get reported b/c they say it only gets reported if its after 90 days..
Can I buy a plane ticket at the airport instead of online?
I’m only flying to California. Would it be easier if I just bought a prepaid visa and did it that way. As for documentation, would I still need a gov. i.d.””
“What happened to the old free credit report band?

I know we all know freecreditreport.com” commercials. I love the new band I just want to know what happened to the old one. :)”

