Scientists Have Discovered How to Levitate Objects Using Light

Mat Proctor
1 min readMay 8, 2019


Not long ago we wrote about how scientists managed to levitate mass by using soundwaves.

It was an amazing discovery that opened the doors to endless possibilities.

And while scientists continue researching how sound can carry mass, a new discovery has been published in the journal Nature Photonics.

According to researchers, their new levitation technology has many capabilities but among them, it could send spacecraft to the nearest star outside our solar system in just 20 years.

This is according to scientists from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) who say that they’ve found a way to levitate and propel objects using only light.

According to a paper detailing their discovery, they hope that their new technology could be used in the near future for “trajectory control of ultra-light spacecraft and even laser-propelled light sails for space exploration…”

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