Matcha Green Tea- Greatly Responsible For Health Improvement.

matcha tea company
2 min readFeb 17, 2019

Matcha tea has the highest nutritional values and the best quality so far. It is made from the leaves which are rich in nutrients and are picked from the tips of the Camellia sinensis shape grown plants. Matcha tea is steamed and de vined before getting processed into a very fine powdered form .

Matcha Greeen tea has been used in a lot of Japanese festivals and even as a meditation tool. It is used as dye and is also used to add flavour.

Matcha Green Tea

What makes Matcha Tea a better a tea as compared to the loose leaf tea?

Everyday millions of people drink loose leaf tea but they leave the antioxidants and the valuable minerals behind. While brewing up a cup of tea we just take in a fraction of the minerals because water cannot extract the whole the minerals from the tea.

Now how do we intake the ample amount of minerals and nutrients required?? Is eating the whole tea leaf raw the solution? No,surely it isn’t. The solution to this problem is Matcha Tea. Matcha tea has the minerals equal to one whole tea leaf. Matcha is a stonegrounded tea leaf and has a lot of minerals .

Infact to equalise the amount of anitioxidants available in one cup of matcha tea is equal to that of 10 green tea cups!!

Well, Let’s talk about some more astonighing benefits of Matcha Tea.

1. Energy Booster

It has proven that the matcha tea drinker have experienced a sudden boost in their energy throughout the day. This energy booster is not only because of the presence of caffeine but also because of the availability of nutrients in it.

2. Detoxyifying Agent

Due to the presence of high levels of chlorophyll , it has a great detoxification power in it. No doubts green is the colour of good health. Matcha is a shade grown tea which makes it a better tea.

3. Good for skin

Matcha Tea is a very beneficial as it leads to a healthier skin . Due to higher levels of detoxification, the waste is eliminated from the body and it leads to a clearer skin.


So, folks now you know how beneficial this tea is. Please buy it because it will surely help you adding colours to your life by making you healthier.



matcha tea company

Matcha tea company sources the best quality Matcha powder for every one of its buyers.