The Downfall of Dating Apps: Why They No Longer Lead to Love

4 min readNov 29, 2023


In an era where digital solutions are sought for nearly every aspect of life, dating apps have promised a revolutionary way to find love. However, the reality has fallen short of expectations. The modern dating landscape, dominated by apps, often leaves users disenchanted, questioning the efficacy of swiping our way to true love.

The Paradox of Time Investment

One of the most significant drawbacks of dating apps is the considerable time investment they require (research found that users spend about 10 hours per week swiping and engaging on these apps), often without yielding substantial results. Users spend hours swiping, matching and chatting, yet these interactions rarely translate into real-life dates. This disproportionate investment of time, not only fails to guarantee a date but can also lead to negative self-perception. As users engage in endless swiping with little to show for it, it can erode their self-esteem and contribute to a negative self-image.

Moreover, the intent behind using dating apps varies widely among users. While some are actively seeking real-life meetings, others might use these apps for casual chatting, entertainment or out of curiosity without the intention of meeting in person — causing a sensation of time wasting among users who intend to use the app to meet people.

Choice Overload: A Recipe for Dissatisfaction

The paradox of choice is a critical problem in the world of dating apps. With an overwhelming number of potential matches, users are bombarded with options. Yet, as Tila Pronk, a relationship scientist at Tilburg University, observes, this “overdose of choices” leads to dissatisfaction with the options presented. The abundance leads to a perpetual search for something better, fostering pessimism and the belief that finding a suitable partner is an elusive goal. The statistics reflect this imbalance: only 5 to 14 percent of women swipe right compared to 40 to 50 percent of men. This disparity results in a skewed attention distribution where merely 10 to 20 percent of profiles receive the lion’s share of attention — 80 to 90 percent.

Moreover, there are significantly more male than female users on traditional dating apps. Tinder, for example, has 25% female users vs 75% male users, and Bumble has 37.5% female users vs 62.4% male users. This leads to a gender imbalance impacting how many likes and matches each gender receives.

The Psychology of Rejection and the Digital Disconnect

Dating apps have also transformed the psychology of rejection. The impersonal nature of these platforms makes it easier for users to ignore, unmatch or reject others without much thought. This breeds a culture of indifference where the emotional impact of rejection is often overlooked. The lack of obligation to respond to someone on a dating app further exacerbates this issue, making it a breeding ground for dismissive behavior that can have psychological repercussions.

A study by the University of North Texas found that dating app users, particularly on platforms like Tinder, often have lower self-esteem and are less satisfied with their body and appearance compared to non-users. This is attributed to the impersonal and frequent rejections experienced on these apps, contributing to a negative self-image.

Starving for Romance in the Digital Age

In stark contrast to the impersonal nature of dating apps, many individuals yearn for organic, romantic connections that occur in real life or through mutual acquaintances. The dating apps lack the inherent romance and serendipity found in traditional dating. It fails to capture the excitement and mystery that comes with meeting someone new in a natural setting, leading many to feel a void despite the plethora of digital options at their fingertips.

A New Take On Dating Apps

The current state of dating apps, marked by a high time investment, dissatisfaction, rejection and a lack of romance, indicates a growing disconnect between what these platforms offer and what individuals truly seek. As we navigate the complexities of modern dating, the need for more effective ways to establish real-life connections becomes increasingly apparent. The future of dating might just lie in solutions that blend the convenience of technology with the authenticity and depth of traditional, in-person connections.

Oscar: The Antidote To Dating Apps

At Oscar, we’re saying goodbye to the era of endless swiping and bringing back the magic of real-life connections. Here’s how it works: You fill out a questionnaire about who you are, what you’re looking for and what you’re attracted to. Based on your answers, we pair you with a compatible match from our database and set you up on a blind date at a cozy bar. No swiping, no texting: just real-life chemistry.




The antidote to dating apps | Compatibility-based matchmaking. End the swipes & dive into real-life chemistry: