Feature Update — Deputizing pool admins and displaying Guppy balances!

Matchpool development — weekly feature update 23/9–29/9

2 min readSep 28, 2018

Report — September 28th

This week, the team worked to add two great features to the Matchpool platform: Deputizing uses to admin status and displaying a user’s live Guppy balance. The team also worked to remove several small scale bugs to improve general performance on the platform. We hope you enjoy the new feature additions this week!

Feature round-up

1. Display live Guppy balance
2. Deputize admins to better manage pool

Feature addition — Displaying Guppy balance

Users can now view their live Guppy balance next to their profile image.

Feature addition — Deputizing admins

Owners can now deputize admins within their pools to better manage their pool. Admins will be able to accept join requests and approve matches, but they will be restricted from changing pool details.


This week we focused on two crucial features that would greatly improve the user experience. By adding the ability to deputize members to better manage and organize the pool, leading to a better overall experience. We also wanted to add the ability to display a user’s live Guppy balance. Check back next week for more details and updates from our development team.

Check out our official applications!

Thanks for reading,

The Matchpool Team




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.