From Zero to Hero: How to Stand Out in Your Pool and Get Promoted

If you want to get tipped, your content is going to have to make an impression

3 min readDec 20, 2018


No one ever published content on a social network thinking, “I hope no one reads it.” In fact, the single, most important goal of social posting is to broadcast your message to and have it resonate with as many people as possible. The same goes for posting your content in pools, only with an added financial incentive — create a buzz with your great content and watch as your posts get tipped and the GUP coins start coming in.

Here are some great tips to help you stand out in your pool and get promoted:

Tip #1 — Create a content strategy

When it comes to creating or curating content your fellow pool members will love, less may be more and simple may be sublime. In other words, go for quality over quantity. You want to select topics that will engage others — drive them to react and interact with your post, without them feeling bombarded by too many like posts, or posts that are too wordy or overly complex. Using a content calendar to decide what to post and when can help create a winning posting strategy that will enable you to stand out for all the right reasons.

Tip #2 — Tell your story

Find your inner voice and speak from the heart. Talk of your origins — where you come from, what your goals are, and how you aim to fulfill them. The emotional connections you foster with your followers/fellow pool members will enable you to stand out from those who post dry, merely informative communications. And using strong visuals and compelling captions can only help.

Tip #3 — Know your audience

To resonate with your pool members on a deep level, you must first get to know them — who they are, what they are interested in and other important information. The better you know your audience, the more effective you will be at creating content they will want to tip.

Tip #4 — Get inspired

Draw inspiration from thought leaders and influencers on social media. Here, the goal is not to replicate the exact activities of other social butterflies, but rather to understand how they approach topics, include buzzwords, integrate calls-to-action and apply other marketing tactics to glean their audience’s acclaim.

Also important, seek the advice of your pool’s members to determine the kind of content they will most definitely enjoy. Check out content they deem popular, even if it vastly digresses from the topics you will ultimately cover.

Tip #5 — Educate with humility

Some of the most tip-worthy posts are those that teach “how to” do something in clear, simple steps (like this one!). Position yourself as a field or industry expert, by creating content that can serve as a guide others can follow to achieve a desired goal. But, when putting together your educational post, be sure to remain humble, acknowledge your shortcomings and refer readers to others who can help them if the going gets tough. This will help instill pool members’ trust in you, creating lifetime value and significant promotions.

Bottom line

To stand out in your pool and get promoted, create great content pool members won’t be able to resist. Following the tips outlined above will enable you to start getting tipped, ensuring your Matchpool experience is one that benefits all.

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