Integrating Smart contracts into the Matchmaking Process.

Ethereum-based smart contracts are now baked into the matchmaking ecosystem, giving users a more secure way to build connections.

3 min readJul 8, 2019

Creating genuine connections has always been a difficult task, and the advent of the internet has only exacerbated the problem. Thankfully, Matchpool, has found a way to leverage along with Ethereum-based smart contracts strides to achieve its dream of becoming a game-changing matchmaking platform. With the implementation of blockchain technology and incentive-driven matchmaking, Matchpool is enabling a new, and exciting connection creation process.

Pay before you play

Abusive practices, including spamming, have been commonplace across today’s social networks of today. As a way to enhance the matchmaking process and mitigate match request spamming, Matchpool has integrated Ethereum-based smart contracts into the matchmaking process. With the integration of smart contracts in the matchmaking process, match requesters are now required to “lock” Guppy tokens within a smart contract, as a means to giving each requester a stake in the outcome of the given match. By requiring the locking of funds, Matchpool’s matchmaking ecosystem can deter match request spamming and general platform abuse.abuse of the platform, overall.

Promoting genuine connections through incentivization

Incentives are a great way to encourage certain behavior and the matchmaking process via Matchpool does just that. By incorporating Ethereum smart contracts into the matchmaking ecosystem, the Guppy, Matchpool’s signature ERC-20 token, is able to be harnessed and provided as a reward for successful matchmaking. By adding incentives to the matchmaking process, particularly a financial one incentive, Matchpool’s matchmaking ecosystem can produce more genuine and heartfelt connections, promoting an environment in which all members can benefit from success in the matchmaking game.

Less moderation, more self-governance.

Building and leading a pool can be a tall task for many, as the “job” since it requires one to manage users from around the world. The tedious task of policing wrong-doings or removing spam can be an unsavory task, even for the most enthusiastic of pool managers. Fortunately, the inclusion of smart contracts within the Matchpool platform can ease these burden for pool owners — across the platform. Pool managers no longer need to feel concerned about managing unwanted, spammy match requests, spam or policing poor matchmakers, since Ethereum-based smart contracts help keep pool members on the straight and narrow and ensure honesty and only proposing appropriate or relevant match requests that they have a stake in.

Smart contract-based matchmaking promotes a more connected and cohesive social platform

Ensuring positive, honest user conduct Keeping users honest is one of the greatest challenges facing social platforms and their managers today. With the help of the Ethereum Blockchain, Matchpool intends to erase match request spamming and return glory and honesty to in the matchmaking process.

For more information about the Matchpool platform and the Guppy token, please visit




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.